Page 20 - Mar/Apr 2022 Outdoor Okahoma Magazine
P. 20

has  been  moderately  successful  at  ponds  with  low
                                                                 KNOW BEFORE YOU GO
               angling pressure. Ponds with fish feeders tend to show
               better growth.
                 The  five  main  components  of  the  CTHP  are   Fishing is fun for everyone, but it also comes with
               opportunity, fishing access, boating access, education   rules so that everyone can enjoy it now and in the
               and outreach.                                     future. All anglers are responsible for knowing and
                 Opportunity:  Development  of  a  larger  network   obeying the regulations in the annual Fishing and
               of  Close  to  Home  Fishing  locations  through  the   Hunting Regulations.
               use of existing and construction of city-owned and   Several changes in regulations became effective
               leased  ponds,  privately-owned  ponds  (homeowners   last year or will soon be going into effect this year.
               association or businesses), and existing water supply   Here’s a summary of those changes.
               reservoirs. Currently there are 18 partnerships with
                                                                   •  Combined three-fish bag limit for all Close to
               municipalities statewide that include 44 sites totaling
                                                                     Home Fishing program waters.
               306 acres of water. There are another 10 cities that
                                                                   •  Combined three-trout daily bag limit statewide.
               have expressed interest in joining the program.
                 Fishing  Access:  Construction  of  fishing  docks,   •  No longer a catch-and-release requirement for
               piers, shoreline access areas, and amenities associated   paddlefish on Mondays and Fridays.
               with angler access, such as sidewalks, parking lots,   •  Catch-and-release only for alligator gar caught
               lighting, and restrooms. Access projects installed to   with rod and reel.
               date include five fishing piers, one boat ramp, three
                                                                   •  Tiger muskie restrictions removed.
               handicap pads, and four aeration systems.
                                                                   •  Fishing equipment labeling requires the use of
                 Boating  Access:  Construction  of  new  and
                                                                     Customer ID number.
               renovation  of  existing  boat  ramps,  courtesy  docks,
               parking  lots,  lighting,  restrooms,  and  access  roads.   •  Liberalized  snagging  restrictions  on  the
               Only one boat ramp and boat dock have been installed   Arkansas River.
               under the program because the majority of the ponds   •  Non-motorized boats allowed on Doc Hollis Lake.
               do not allow boating due to their size.
                                                                   •  No  minimum  length  limit  for  harvest  of
                 Education: Increased  numbers  and  locations  for
                                                                     largemouth and smallmouth bass, but only one
               youth and adult fishing clinics with the assistance of
                                                                     of more than 16 inches may be harvested per day.
               trained volunteer instructors. Hundreds of Aquatic
                                                                   •  Allow for a black bass tournament exemption to
               Education  Resource  Program  (AREP)  events  have
                                                                     size and bag limits until weigh-in, after which
               been held at CTH sites since the program started.
                                                                     fish must be released.
               More  than  300  certified  volunteer  instructors  are
               available statewide under the AREP program.         •  Revise Lower Mountain Fork River trout bag
                 Outreach:  Development  and  distribution  of       limit  to  include  only  one  brown  trout  of  30
               brochures, magazine articles, news releases, radio and   inches or longer, and re-establish trophy area in
               television  commercials,  and  programs  regarding  the   the downstream reaches of the trout area.
               conservation of our aquatic resources and their use in   •  Restore statewide daily bag limit for largemouth
               recreational fishing. A limited number of brochures,   and  smallmouth  bass  to  Lake  Murray  and  to
               maps, and news articles have been released since 2000.   waters in the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge.
               The CTHF program has been a communication priority
                                                                   •  Limit the daily bag limit of fork-tailed catfish to
               of  the  ODWC’s  Communication  and  Education
                                                                     six below Carlton Lake to the Robbers Cave State
               Division  for  several years so more
                                                                     Park boundary.
               people can become aware of these
                                                                   •  Require anglers using containers to store live fish,
               fishing opportunities that might be
                                                                     unattended, in the field to label the containers
               right in their neighborhoods!
                                                                     with Customer ID number.
                 To learn more about CTHF, scan
               the code:

               18                                                                               OUTDOOR OKLAHOMA

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