Page 24 - Mar/Apr 2022 Outdoor Okahoma Magazine
P. 24

Natural Food Sources: Shad, minnows, crustaceans  as sure signs of schooling shad. Where there are shad,
               and insects.                                      white bass are usually nearby.
                 Spawning: White bass are prolific. One female can
                                                                 WHITE BASS FISHING TIPS
               produce up to a million eggs. Reproductive activities
               are triggered by water temperatures of 50-55 degrees.   When water temperatures reach the high 40s, focus
               Spawning is at random over weeds, debris and rocks.  your  efforts  at  the  mouths  of  inflowing  creeks  and
               When  tributary  streams  are  available,  this  species  rivers on the north ends of the water body. Try lipless
               prefers upstream migration for spawning. No parental  crankbaits  in  gold,  silver  or  red  patterns,  sassy  shad
               care is provided to eggs or young.                in  pearl  white,  shallow-  or  medium-diving  lipped
                 Facts: The white bass is Oklahoma's state fish. An  crankbaits in shad-colored variations, and small white
               estimated 1.5 million pounds of white bass are harvested  maribou jigs or curly tail grubs.
               annually from Oklahoma waters by anglers. Due to their   Each water body in the state seems to have a bait of
               short life span and high reproductive capacity, no creel  choice for white bass, so if you’re unfamiliar with the
               limits are imposed on most lakes. Anglers learn to watch  area bring an array of these types of lures until you find
               for circling and diving gulls and/or surface disturbances  the one that picks up the most fish.
                                                                                  If fishing with artificial lures, keep
                                                                                your retrieve slow and steady.
                     SARAH SOUTHERLAND/ODWC                                              a small- to medium-size bait-
                                                                                  Boat anglers can use a live minnow on

                                                                                            holding  hook  attached
                                                                                             to a 12-inch leader line
                                                                                              below  a  barrel  swivel
                                                                                               and  a  quarter-ounce
                                                                                               to  half-ounce  egg
                                                                                               weight.  Let  the  line
                                                                                               off  the  reel  directly
                                                                                              below the boat to your
                                                                                              desired depth.
                                                                                                 In  lakes  that  do
                                                                                                not  have  inflowing
                                                                                                water,  try  the  bait
                                                                                               selections  described
                                                                                            above  around  coves,
                                                                                            points and rip-rap areas,
                                                                                           especially during morning
                                                                                           and evening hours.
                                                                                             Follow    the    fish
                                                                                            upstream  during  the
                                                                                             spawn  and  look  for
                                                                                             brushy  areas  along  the
                                                                                             bank or mouths of small
                                                                                           tributaries to target.
                                                                                         Sandies are schooling fish,
                                                                                         so  if  you’re  not  getting
                                                                                          bites  using  the  types  of
                                                                                           baits  described,  change
                                                                                           locations often until you
                                                                                           find them.

               22                                                                               OUTDOOR OKLAHOMA



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