Page 26 - Mar/Apr 2022 Outdoor Okahoma Magazine
P. 26


                 Get Outdoors!                   for Kids!

                 Grab  a  smartphone  and  head
                 outside  to  search  for  creepy
                 crawlies! Insects and spiders are
                 emerging as the weather warms.
                 Zoom  in  and  take  pictures  of
                 creatures you come across. If you
                 don’t know what’s in your photo,
                 send it to and ask   Word Search:
                 someone who can tell you!
                                                 Insects and Spiders

                 Hunting Tip                      P O G S A T G V G L V Y J W C Y

                 It’s  time  to  practice  with  your   A S F H G E L T E E B E N U J L
                 box call or mouth call, because
                 springtime brings turkey hunting   P H B I G E E J V R M F T M P F
                 season! this year’s youth turkey   E A T R R A L L I P R E T A C E
                 season is April 9-10. Youths 17 and
                 younger may harvest one bearded   R R G J O N Q G F P B X U C R S
                 turkey, and must be accompanied
                 by a non-hunting adult. An unfilled   W V M R X W G Y N C I C A D A R
                 youth  license  will  be  valid  for   A E T O A L N D C O Y B S K X O
                 regular spring turkey season April
                 16 to may 16 statewide. And don’t   S S E I S S P R Z G L M B R E H
                 forget to help our biologists by
                 using E-Check online to report any   P T I K K Q S Q E D I Y W T H D
                 harvested turkey.
                                                  I E I C Y V U H Y C F F D Z S Y
                                                  H R B Q C K Z I O L L S M D P M
                 Fishing Tip                     W A Z P N P A E T P F U Y V A A

                 Ever heard the old saying “white bass   H N Y V I N D E N O P Y S D E D
                 run when the redbuds bloom”? there
                 can be a lot of truth to that. But other   A T A R A N T U L A Y E A E H S
                 factors play roles to urge Oklahoma’s   D E A Q O N Z M Z D F Y R M A L
                 state  fish  to  begin  swimming  up
                 creeks and streams to their spawning   H P Y Z L O L B N X C U K U M Y
                 grounds. usually from mid-march
                 into April is when you might cast   Find and circle these names of insects and spiders found in Oklahoma:
                 from a stream bank and enjoy some
                 furious fishing action for “sandies.”   Brown Recluse        Caterpillar            Cicada
                 tip: Wait until the river or stream is   Daddy Long Legs    Grasshopper          Harvester Ant
                 flowing after a springtime storm and   Horse Fly            June Beetle             Mayfly
                 you might have better success.
                                                        Mosquito             Paper Wasp             Tarantula

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