Page 28 - Mar/Apr 2022 Outdoor Okahoma Magazine
P. 28

By Don P. Brown, Communication and Education Specialist

                                                                                                                   KELLY ADAmS/ODWC

               Turkey Hunting

               Rules Change

               As Research

               Examines Slump

                By Don P. Brown,
                Communication and Education Specialist

                 Spring  turkey  hunting  season  won’t  be  the  same  in   As the days get warmer, many sportsmen and sports-
               2022 as in recent years. New season dates and a new bag  women  embrace  the  opportunity  to  harvest  a  large
               limit are in place across Oklahoma, changes made this  game bird during a time when the budding landscape
               past summer after Department of Wildlife Conservation  and mild conditions make it a prime time to enjoy out-
               wildlife  biologists  expressed  concerns  about  declining  door pursuits.
               numbers of wild turkeys in the state.               Spring turkey hunting is a popular pursuit for hunters
                 Hunters planning to pursue any of the three subspe-  in  Oklahoma  and  across  the  country;  in  fact,  the  wild
               cies of wild turkeys that can be found in Oklahoma are  turkey is second only to deer as America’s most-hunted
               reminded of these new regulations:                game. In 2021, an estimated 60,000 hunters harvested
                                                                 about 19,000 wild turkeys during Oklahoma’s spring sea-
                 •  The spring turkey season dates are April 16 to May   sons. The banner year for turkey hunting in the Sooner
                  16, statewide.                                 State was 2003, when an estimated 75,000 hunters took
                                                                 about 42,000 birds.
                 •  The spring turkey season bag limit is one tom turkey   But it wasn’t always this way.
                  per hunter. A tom is defined as any bearded turkey.
                                                                 Conservation “Poster Child”
                 •  The youth spring turkey season will be the Saturday
                  and Sunday before April 16. A turkey taken during   Wild  turkey  populations  were  robust  in  western
                  youth spring turkey season counts toward the regu-  Oklahoma before the first land run in 1889 began open-
                  lar season limit of one turkey per hunter.     ing  large  areas  to  settlement.  In  the  ensuing  decades,

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