Page 40 - Mar/Apr 2022 Outdoor Okahoma Magazine
P. 40

For Banta, the ability to control the timing and duration  kill a stand of great wetland plants you’ve worked hard
               of the water drawdowns is key to the potential success of  to establish, if the water isn’t diverted off of the unit in
               most wetland units.                               short time.
                 “Natural  drawdowns  are  a  viable  option;  it’s  a  slow   “But investing in at least one water control structure
               process which allows for a longer period of moist soil  can give wetland managers the upper hand by not only
               conditions that are often ripe for germination, but you  allowing them to control the timing and duration of draw-
               are left completely at the mercy of Mother Nature.  A  downs, but also maintaining the unit’s progress for the
               heavy early summer rain, for example, could stunt or  upcoming duck season.

               38                                                                               OUTDOOR OKLAHOMA

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