Page 42 - Mar/Apr 2022 Outdoor Okahoma Magazine
P. 42

the Red River. Heavy rainfall
               can occasionally cause the                                                                          JEnA DOnnELL/ODWC
               river to rise and get out of
               its banks and into the wet-
               land units — sometimes for
               prolonged periods.
                 “The river, and our prox-
               imity  to  it,  has  created
               really  fertile  soils  in  our
               wetland  units,  which  is  a
               huge benefit. But when the
               river gets out of its banks
               for extended periods, it can
               bury desirable seed under
               a layer of silt. In addition to
               burying the good seed too
               deep  to  germinate,  flood-
               ing from the river can also deposit less desirable seeds.   plants are sprouting while they are still small seedlings
               But if we can get three to four years of desirable seed   is vital. It gives you a management leg up and may let
               production  using  moist  soil  management,  we  typical-  you get ahead of the undesirable plants with early con-
               ly have a high enough density of desirable plants in the   trol measures.”
               seed bank that they can outcompete the less desirable.”
                 Although periodically covered by river silt during flood- Wetland Look-Alikes: Desirable and
               ing events, the desirable seeds are still there deep in the  Undesirable Plant Combos
               seed bank. By disturbing the unit’s soil by disking after   By late spring, wetland units generally have an estab-
               it dries sufficiently, a manager can actually retrieve and  lished  plant  community  and  are  well  on  their  way  to
               re-establish the hard-earned seed bank by redepositing  producing  food  and  cover  for  duck  hunting  season.
               them back in the germination zone, depth-wise.    But  Banta  regularly  checks  in  as  the  growing  season
                 Periodic mechanical soil disturbance also provides an  progresses to see how the units are faring and if any
               additional benefit. It sets back plant succession, favor-  less-desirable  plants  have  germinated  since  his  last
               ing a plant community of annual grasses and weeds that  visit. During a recent check-in, he pointed out two sets
               produce high volumes of nutritious seeds beneficial to  of wetland look-alikes, each with a desirable and unde-
               migrating  waterfowl,  as  opposed  to  far  less  desirable  sirable plant combination.
               perennial plant communities that gradually become nat-  Banta’s favorite wetland plant, barnyardgrass, produc-
               urally established over time without soil disturbance.  es a lot of high energy seeds — one healthy plant can
                 When managing the seed bank, knowledge is power.  produce  750,000  to  1  million  seeds  —  and  provides  a
               Many  native  wetland  plants  can  pull  double-duty  in  a  really stout mat of vegetation for invertebrates. But the
               wetland  and  provide  both  seeds  and  vegetation  mats  plant can be easily misidentified for the less desirable
               for invertebrate cover. But many plants – both desirable  johnsongrass, a nonnative plant that can provide some
               and undesirable – look very similar when they first ger-  supplemental seed for ducks and vegetation cover for
               minate. Banta has had to learn how to correctly identify  invertebrates. Johnsongrass tends to become a mono-
               freshly germinated plants and act quickly if undesirable  culture, outcompeting other desirable plants and greatly
               plants start sprouting.                           decreasing plant community diversity.
                  “Knowing which plants provide nutritious  seeds for   To distinguish the two grasses, Banta focuses on the
               ducks and other wildlife, and which plants dominate your  base of the stems. Barnyardgrass has flattened stems
               units as they mature, is important. But knowing which  and  a  light  purple  coloration  at  the  base  of  the  stem.

               40                                                                               OUTDOOR OKLAHOMA

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