Page 46 - Mar/Apr 2022 Outdoor Okahoma Magazine
P. 46


               Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation

                                   Foundation Update

                               Foundation Funds Grant Writer to Aid ODWC

               Part of the Wildlife Department’s Strategic Plan launched in 2020 was an initiative to develop new revenue streams beyond traditional
               sources. A team of dedicated ODWC employees set about to compile a new revenue project fact sheet for nine projects that appeared
                    to offer the greatest potential. The team  then developed a new revenue project scoring metric for ranking each proposal.
                One highly ranked concept was creation of a large-scale grant writing program. This idea was offered to the Oklahoma Wildlife
                    Conservation Foundation, which embraced it and has enlisted Write On Fundraising in Tulsa to further the initiative.
               Each ODWC division was asked to submit a list of top priorities for grant funding, and these were prioritized into a Top 10 list. They are:
                    • Arcadia Conservation Education Area repair and enhancement.   • Education programs.
                             • Bear and wildlife management projects.            • Wildlife restoration efforts.
                            • Close to Home Fishing Program support.        • Shooting ranges renovation and creation.
                                  • Equipping Game Wardens.                 • Wildlife Management Area improvements.
                                 • Hackberry Flat renovations.                  • Stars & Stripes license program.

                Any additional funding generated by Write On through the Foundation’s support can be used to enhance existing programs and
                                             in many cases can be matched with federal funds.
                In the absence of license fee increases, these alternative sources of revenue will become even more critical in ODWC’s quest to
                                          effectively manage Oklahoma’s fish and wildlife resources.

                James L. Johnson, Board of Directors

                 From the inception of the
               Foundation  in  2018,  James                                                                        PrOVIDED
               L.  Johnson  has  been  eager
               to  do  his  part  to  serve  its
               mission  in  helping  pre-
               serve  the  great  outdoors
               for  future  generations.  He
               was encouraged to become
               a founding director by close
               friends  who  also  are  serv-
               ing on the board.
                 Hunting, angling and out-
               door pursuits are and have
               always been a high priority
               for Johnson and his family.
                 “I have been very blessed in
               my life to travel to some of the   Johnson takes a shot while hunting.
               most remote places on Earth in pursuit of outdoor adventures,”   Johnson’s  favorite  outdoor  activity  is  observation.  “The
               Johnson said. “This has helped me in my appreciation for the  older I get, the more I really enjoy observing wildlife. It may
               vast and diverse opportunities that the state has to offer.”  be watching a covey of quail moving across a food plot, to

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