Page 18 - 2022/2023 Oklahoma Fishing & Hunting Regulations
P. 18
Paddlefish Regulations When snagging for paddlefish, anglers are daily limit. Anglers fishing trotlines or throw-
Residents and nonresidents must obtain a allowed only one single hook or one treble hook. lines must release all paddlefish before leaving
free paddlefish permit in addition to a fishing All hooks must have barbs removed or complete- their lines (unless keeping one for a daily limit).
license before fishing for paddlefish. The free ly closed. When landing a paddlefish, it is illegal Paddlefish taken by bowfishing, gigs, spears
permit is available at, to use gaff hooks or any technique or device that and spearguns cannot be released., Department head- injures the fish, unless the angler is bowfishing. Each cleaned paddlefish and its parts (car-
quarters, through the Go Outdoors Oklahoma The daily paddlefish limit is 1. Once you cass, meat or eggs) must be tagged and kept
phone app and license vendors. The paddlefish keep a fish, you must stop paddlefish fishing separate from all other cleaned paddlefish or
permit is required to fish for paddlefish by any (snagging) for the day, tag the fish immedi- paddlefish parts. Each person must keep their
method or be in possession of paddlefish or ately with the angler's customer ID number paddlefish distinctly separate from paddlefish
paddlefish parts. This permit must be carried and report the harvest, within 24 hours, using taken by others. Paddlefish and paddlefish
on their person while fishing and/or in posses- the online E-Check system. Under no circum- parts must remain tagged until the person in
sion of paddlefish or parts. stances can any paddlefish be caught, kept and possession of the same reaches their residence.
later released (no culling). No person can possess eggs (attached to the
The annual paddlefish harvest limit is two egg membrane) of more than one paddlefish.
paddlefish per angler. No person can possess more than 3 pounds of
Paddlefish angling by all methods is closed processed paddlefish eggs or fresh paddlefish
on the Spring River from the State Highway 60 eggs removed from the membrane. Processed
bridge upstream to the Kansas line. Snagging eggs are any eggs taken from a paddlefish that
of paddlefish or any fish is closed from 10 p.m. have gone through a process that turns the eggs
to 6 a.m. year-round east of I-35 and north of into caviar or into a caviar-like product.
I-40, except the Miami City Park from the south No person can ship into or out of, transport
boat ramp to the 125 Highway bridge which into or out of, have in possession with the intent
shall remain open. to so transport, or cause to be removed from
Residents and nonresidents may have one this state, raw unprocessed, processed or frozen
paddlefish in their possession in the field. Non- paddlefish eggs.
residents may possess no more than the annual All paddlefish must have all internal organs
harvest limit at any other time. removed before leaving the state.
Note: For information on fishing below dams
Kelly Adams and reel, trotlines and throwlines is allowed, for paddlefish, see Tailwaters in the "Public
Catch and release of paddlefish by use of rod
Fishing Waters" special regulations. Snagging
year-round. Paddlefish must be released im-
is closed for one mile below Eufaula Dam.
mediately after being caught, unless kept for the
Location: 61091 E. 120 Road, Miami, OK 74354. (Four miles • Barbless Hooks ONLY
north of Twin Bridges State Park.)
• One (1) rod and reel (pole and line) per angler.
Hours: 9am-6pm Thursday through Monday (closed Tuesday
and Wednesday). Opening March 1 and closing April 30. • Daily Limit: One (1) fish.
• Annual Limit: Two (2) fish.
Contacts: Call Paddlefish/Caviar Coordinator at (918) 686-3673
or the Paddlefish Research Center at (918) 542-9422. • MUST E-Check all harvested fish within 24 hours (E-Check
Fish pick-up: Wildlife Department personnel will pick up live
paddlefish from bank and boat anglers at Grand Lake. Call the • Residents and nonresidents, regardless of age or exemp-
PRC to arrange for a pick-up. tion status, must obtain a free paddlefish permit, annually
(permits expire on Dec. 31); permit must be carried on per-
Purpose: Wildlife Department biologists collect important son (electronic or hardcopy).
biological data for paddlefish management, process paddlefish
meat for anglers and salvage paddlefish eggs. The PRC also • Fish kept must be tagged immediately with angler’s cus-
serves as the hub for statewide paddlefish management and tomer ID number.
research activities.
• Once a fish is kept, it CANNOT be released (no culling).
• Once a fish is kept, angler MUST stop fishing (snagging) for
the day.
• Snagging
from 10 p.m.
to 6 a.m.
east of I-35
and north of
I-40, except
the Miami
Wade Free
City Park.