Page 21 - 2022/2023 Oklahoma Fishing & Hunting Regulations
P. 21

Robbers Cave

        Trout Stocking Season:
          Trout are stocked from Nov. 1 through March 15 of the fol low ing
        calendar year.
        Designated Trout Area/Size/Location:
          A 1.5-mile portion of Fourche Maline River immediately below Carlton
        Lake Dam downstream to the southern boundary of Rob bers Cave State
        Park, located in Latimer County, five miles north of Wilburton on State
        Highway 2.
        Bank Access:
          Bank access is good because the entire designated trout stream lies
        within Robbers Cave State Park.
        Notes of Interest:
          Camping and cabin facilities are avail able with in the state park. For
        information, call (918) 465-2565.

        Sunset Lake

        Trout Stocking Season:
          Trout are stocked from Nov. 1 through March 31 of the following calendar year.
        Designated Trout Area/Size/Location:
          This 11-acre lake is within Thompson Park at NW 5th Street and Sunset in Guymon.
        Bank Access/Boat Ramps:
          Bank Access is plentiful with a walking trail around the entire lake. There is also a fishing dock. Boats are not allowed.
        Notes of Interest:
          Lodging is available in Guymon. For information, call the City of Guymon at (580) 338-3396.

        Medicine Creek
        Trout Stocking Season:
          Trout are stocked from Nov. 1 through March 15 of the following calendar year.
        Designated Trout Area/Size/Location:
          Medicine Creek from Gondola Lake dam downstream to the State Highway
        49 bridge.
        Bank Access:
          A sidewalk along the east side of Medicine Creek in the town of Medicine Park
        will offer the best fishing access. Parking and fishing access also will be found
        along the creek's east bank just north of the State Highway 49 bridge. The west
        side of the creek is mostly undeveloped but is accessible on foot. Anglers should
        avoid trespassing on any residential property.
        Notes of Interest:
          Camping facilities are available at the nearby Wichita Mountains Wildlife
        Refuge. Primitive camping is available on the west side of the trout area along the
        lower portion of the creek.
          For more information, call the refuge headquarters at (580) 429-3222 from 8 a.m.
        to 4:30 p.m. weekdays. Lodging is available in and around Medicine Park.

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