Page 40 - 2022/2023 Oklahoma Fishing & Hunting Regulations
P. 40

                   BIG GAME SEASONS
                                                                     For requirements on hunter orange, legal means of taking, public
                                                                      lands, shooting hours, carcass disposal, more than one method
        ELK                                                          of take in the field, tracking with dogs, field tagging and checking
                                                                          requirements, see Big Game Regulations on pages 35-36.
        Combined Season Limit             Public Lands                       •  Elk Gun: Nov. 19 - Dec. 4.
        •  Two: either sex.                 Elk hunting is closed on all Department   •  Holiday Antlerless Elk Gun: Dec. 18-31.
          This includes elk archery, youth elk gun, elk  owned or managed lands, except for controlled
        muzzleloader, elk gun and holiday antlerless  elk hunt permittees on areas and dates desig- Open Zones
        elk gun seasons.                  nated on their controlled hunt permit.  Panhandle Zone: All private lands in Beaver,
          Elk taken during Jan. 1-31, 2023, count to-                        Cimarron, and Texas counties.
        ward the 2022 combined season limit.  License Requirements
          Elk taken during controlled hunts do not                           •  Zone bag limit: Two (2) elk, one of which
        count toward the combined season limit.  Hunters must be in possession of all   must be antlerless.
                                          appropriate licenses before hunting Elk.  •  Zone harvest quota: Sixty (60) elk.
        Legal Elk Definition              Hunters using an air-powered arrow rifle
                                                                              Special Northwest Zone: All private lands
          A legal bull is defined as any antlered bull,   must purchase a one-time Arrow Rifle Permit.  in Woodward, Dewey and Ellis counties, and
        except in the Special Southwest Zone, where a   Resident (unless exempt):  a portion of Roger Mills County north of State
        legal bull must have at least five points on at                      Highways 33 and 47 to the north county line
        least one side of the antlers (a point is defined as   •  Resident Hunting License, and  and west to the state border and east to the
        the tip of the main antler beam and any projec-  •  Resident Elk License (for each elk hunted)  county line.
        tion arising from the main antler beam that is   Jan. 1-31: must be in possession of a resi-
        at least one inch in length).     dent hunting license and a resident elk license  •  Zone bag limit: One (1) elk, regardless of sex.
          An antlerless elk is defined as any elk with   for the current calendar year. Unfilled elk  •  Zone harvest quota: Two (2) elk.
        no visible antlers, regardless of sex.
                                          license (Jan. 1-31) may be used the following
                                          fall season.                        Northwest Zone: All private lands north
        Written Landowner                                                    of Interstate 40 and west of Interstate 35, ex-
        Permission                        Nonresident:                       cluding the counties in the Panhandle Zone
          All elk hunters must possess written permis-  •  Nonresident Elk License (for each elk hunt-  and counties or parts thereof in the Special
                                                                             Northwest Zone.
        sion from the landowner or, where appropriate,   ed) or a resident lifetime hunting or combina-
        the lessee (tenant). Permission must be carried   tion hunting/fishing license  •  Zone bag limit: One (1) elk, regardless of sex.
        on the person while hunting elk. Elk hunters   Jan. 1-31: must be in possession of a non-  •  Zone harvest quota: Eight (8) elk.
        may only hunt on those lands for which they   resident elk license for the current calendar
        have written permission. Landowners, operators   year. Unfilled elk license (Jan. 1-31) may be   Northeast Zone: All private lands north of
        and immediate family are exempt from written   used the following fall season.  Interstate 40 and east of Interstate 35.
        Zone Harvest Quota                Season Dates (only                 •  Zone bag limit: One (1) elk, regardless of sex.
                                                                             •  Zone harvest quota: Twenty (20) elk.
          Before hunting, all hunters must check the  in open zones)
        Wildlife Department’s website at wildlifedepart-  •  Elk Archery: Oct. 1, 2022 - Jan. 15, 2023.  Southeast Zone: All private lands south of to ensure the quota has not been met  •  Youth Elk Gun: Oct. 14-16.  Interstate 40 and east of Interstate 35.
        for the zone in which they will be hunting. Once  •  Elk Muzzleloader: Oct. 22-30.
        the zone quota has been met, the season is closed.                   •  Zone bag limit: One (1) elk, regardless of sex.
                                                                             •  Zone harvest quota: Five (5) elk.
                                                                              Southwest Zone: All private lands south of
                                                                             Interstate 40 and west of Interstate 35, excluding
                                                                             the counties in the Special Southwest Zone.
                                                                             •  Zone bag limit: One (1) elk, regardless of sex.
                                                                             •  Zone harvest quota: Thirty (30) elk.
                                                                             Special Southwest Zone
                                                                              These season dates are not in addition to the
                                                                             season dates in Open Zones.
                                                                              These season dates include all private lands
                                                                             in Caddo, Comanche and Kiowa counties.
                                                                             •  Archery: Oct. 1-5 and Dec. 3-7.
                                                                             •  Muzzleloader: Season closed.
                                                                             •  Gun: Oct. 6-9 and Dec. 8-11.
                                                                             •  Youth Elk Gun: Oct. 14-16.
                                                                             •  Additional Antlerless Gun Season: Nov. 19
                                                                              - Dec. 4, 2022 and Jan. 1-31, 2023; antlerless

         Dan Forester                                                        one of which must be antlerless.
                                                                              Zone bag limit: Two (2) elk, regardless of sex,
                                                                              Zone harvest quota: There is no quota in
                                                                             this zone.
    38                           2022-2023 OKLAHOMA FISHING & HUNTING REGULATIONS
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