Page 42 - 2022/2023 Oklahoma Fishing & Hunting Regulations
P. 42

BIG   G A M  E  S E A S O N S
                   BIG GAME SEASONS
                                                                     For requirements on hunter orange, legal means of taking, public
                                                                      lands, shooting hours, carcass disposal, more than one method
                                                                     of take in the field, tracking with dogs, field tagging and checking
        ANTELOPE                                                          requirements, see Big Game Regulations on pages 35-36.
                                           LEGAL ANTELOPE BUCK VS. DOE
        Combined Season Limit
          Two: no more than one may be a buck. This                                           Legal Buck:
        includes antelope archery and antelope gun                                          •   Black cheek
        seasons. Antelope taken between Jan. 1-15, 2023,                                     patch, regardless
        count toward the 2022 combined season limit.                                         of sex.
        Legal Buck Definition
          Any antelope, regardless of sex, with a black
        cheek patch.
        Written Landowner
          All antelope hunters must possess written
        permission from the landowner or, where ap-
        propriate, the lessee (tenant). Permission must         Legal Doe:
        be carried on the person while hunting ante-           •   No black cheek patch,
        lope. Antelope hunters may only hunt on those            regardless of sex.                           ©
        lands for which they have written permission.
        Landowners, operators and immediate family
        are exempt from written permission.
        Open Areas                         Any antelope that does not have a black cheek patch is legally considered a doe.
          Cimarron County and that portion of Texas  Does can have horns.
        County west of State Highway 136.
        License Requirements                and a current hunting license (see page 4) or   Dates
                                            proof of exemption.
        Hunters must be in possession of all                                  Sept. 1-4 (either sex); Sept. 5-14 (doe only);
        appropriate licenses before hunting Antelope.   Antelope - Archery   Nov. 26, 2022 - Jan. 15, 2023 (doe only).
        Hunters using an air-powered arrow rifle                             Gun Limit
        must purchase a one-time Arrow Rifle Permit.  Dates                   Two: no more than one may be a buck. An-
                                            Oct. 1-14.                       telope taken through controlled hunts or land-
        •  Residents: Must possess a hunting license
          (see page 4) or proof of exemption. In   Archery Limit             owner permit are not bonus and count toward
          addition, all antelope hunters must possess                        the combined season limit.
          an antelope license for each antelope hunted   Two: no more than one may be a buck. Ar-  Legal sex and specific season dates will be
          or proof of exemption.          chery antelope are not bonus and count toward  designated on the controlled hunt or landowner
        •  Nonresidents: Nonresident antelope   the combined season limit.   permit.
          hunters are exempt from a hunting license
          while hunting antelope, but they must  Antelope - Gun
          possess a nonresident antelope license for   (Drawing only)
          each antelope hunted (unlesss exempt) or
          a resident lifetime hunting or combination   Antelope gun hunting is only available
          hunting/fishing license.        through the Department’s controlled hunts
        •  Jan. 1-15: All hunters must possess an an-  program or through the Landowner Permit
          telope license for the current calendar year   Drawing (see

          There is no hunting season on mountain   The carcass (including hide) must be pre-
        lions. However, mountain lions can be taken  sented to a Department employee within 24
        year-round when committing or about to com-  hours for biological data collection, which may
        mit depredation on any domesticated animal  include the removal of a tooth.
        or when deemed an immediate safety hazard.
          Individuals who kill a mountain lion must
        immediately call a game warden (see Game
        Warden Directory on pages 2-3) or other
        Department employee.
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