Page 42 - January/February 2023 Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 42


            According to the Association of Fish and Wildlife   cies. Some of the ways in which trapping is regulated
          Agencies, the public is highly uninformed about trapping.  include restrictions on species, seasons, types of traps,
            Trapping is used by private landowners and sportsmen   areas where trapping is permitted, and the fact that only
          and sportswomen for many purposes including fur harvest-  licensed trappers are allowed to participate.
          ing, food, and habitat and depredation management.   Agencies are continually reviewing and developing
            Regulated trapping is a tool used by state, federal and   rules,  regulations,  education  programs,  and  capture
          tribal agencies to manage wildlife and their habitats. Some   methods to ensure the humaneness of trapping. Experts
          of the benefits of regulated trapping include:     from all 50 state fish and wildlife agencies and other con-
            •  Reintroducing populations (e.g., river otters; gray, red   servationists who care about natural resources and animal
              and Mexican wolves; beavers).                  welfare are working together to improve and modernize
            •  Providing relief to the public from property damage   the technology of trapping through scientific research.
              (livestock, agriculture, forestry, infrastructure, etc.).  They have developed Best Management Practices for trap-
            •  Protecting public health and safety (rabies, flooding, etc.).  ping of several dozen species to improve the efficiency and
            People who participate in trapping are required to have   humaneness of traps.
          a trapping or hunting license. Education for trappers is pro-  Regulated trapping provides many benefits to
          vided in all states. Here are some key points about regulat-  wildlife and people, especially in helping maintain a
          ed trapping.                                       healthy balance between wildlife and people. Trapping
            The kinds of wildlife that are trapped are abundant.   can help keep urban and suburban residents safe from
          Regulated trapping does not cause wildlife to become   potential problems caused when wildlife and people live
          endangered. No animal populations in the U.S. have   in close proximity to one another, assist experts in relo-
          become endangered or extinct due to regulated trapping.  cating species to areas where animals can better thrive,
            Trapping is managed through scientifically based   and help restore threatened and endangered species by
          regulations that are strictly enforced by conservation   controlling predators and other animals that would oth-
          officers. Anyone who traps must follow very strict rules   erwise have killed these sensitive animals or destroyed
          established and enforced by state fish and wildlife agen-  their habitats.

                                                           WILDLIFEDEPARTMENT.COM                             PXHERE/CC0

          A trapper is setting a silver pan trap designed to target raccoons.  Trappers often target raccoons and sell the fur to dealers.

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