Page 45 - January/February 2023 Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 45

KALIE MEYER/ODWC                                   WILDLIFEDEPARTMENT.COM

                                                             Pelts like these are prepared by trappers and sold to the fur market.

          Trappers often look for natural elements that can aid in success when picking
          out a site.
            Homeowners in all areas of Oklahoma who simply enjoy
          nature can also benefit from regulated trapping. While
          people enjoy their vegetable gardens, fruit trees, flow-
          erbeds and bird feeders, there is always some critter out
          there waiting to enjoy them even more.
            Live traps, or cage traps, are a style of trap that is easy
          to set, check, relocate (after obtaining proper permission
          on the new area), and release problematic wildlife in, and
          around,  your  home.  These  problematic  wildlife  species
          can cause damage outside and inside the home. With
          the use of regulated trapping and with an understanding
          of trap types, homeowners can maintain the boundar-
          ies they desire with the wildlife while still promoting the
          diversity in the landscape that people enjoy so much.
            There are so many ways that well enforced, regulated
          trapping can positively impact the landscape around you.
                                                             A U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service employee prepares to collect a beaver from a
          Whether you choose to practice these methods yourself,   live trap to relocate the animal.
          employ a private business or federal agency, or grant   variety of ways, and regulated trapping supports them all.
          access to your property for use by a resident trapper, you   Learn more about furbearer management and best man-
          can access the benefits of regulated trapping in your sur-  agement  practices  for  trapping  from  the  Association  of
          rounding environment. We Oklahomans use our land in a   Fish and Wildlife Agencies.

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