Page 38 - Outdoor Oklahoma Magazine Mar-Apr2023
P. 38

Spring turkey hunting is a popular
          PUBLIC DOMAIN                                                       pursuit for hunters in Oklahoma and
                                                                              nationwide; in fact, the wild turkey
                                                                              is second only to deer as America’s
                                                                              most-hunted game animal. In Oklahoma
                                                                              in 2021, an estimated 60,000 hunters
                                                                              harvested  about  19,000  wild  turkeys
                                                                              during the spring hunting seasons.
                                                                                The banner year for turkey hunting
                                                                              in the Sooner State was 2003, when an
                                                                              estimated 75,000 hunters took about
                                                                              42,000 birds.
                                                                                But the state’s severe drought in
                                                                              2011 and 2012 negatively affected tur-
                                                                              key numbers, especially in the western
                                                                              part of Oklahoma. The turkeys failed to
                                                                              rebound, and in the past five years or
                                                                              so, turkey numbers have gone dropped
                                                                              even more.
                                                                                Turkey declines are being seen
                                                                              nationally, not just in Oklahoma.
                                                                              Biologists estimate the turkey popu-
                                                                              lation has dropped to about 6 million
                                                                              birds in the U.S., which is down about
          MAJOR                             15 percent from the historic high seen around 2010. Many states are in the same

                                            situation as Oklahoma, trying to figure out what is driving the decline in wild tur-
          RESEARCH                          key numbers.
                                              In Oklahoma, wild turkey populations have declined over the past three years
          INTO STATE                        in all five regions where surveys are conducted. Those three-year declines range
                                            from 2.7 percent in the Northeast Region to a whopping 67.1 percent in the
          TURKEY                            Southwest Region.
                                              Some estimates put the total number of wild turkeys at 30,000 birds at the begin-
          PLIGHT                            ning of the last century — for the entire continent! By 1930, most Oklahomans would
                                            say there were no wild turkeys to be found here. the statewide population was prob-
                                            ably less than 1,000 birds.
          UNDERWAY                            In 1948, the Wildlife Department embarked on an ambitious program to re-estab-

                                            lish the wild turkey to its former range By the early 1970s, America’s population of
                                            wild turkeys was about 1.5 million.
          By Don P. Brown,
                                              Marcus Thibodeaux, the Wildlife Department’s Rio Grande wild turkey project
          Communication and                 coordinator, said the estimated Oklahoma turkey population was just under 100,000
          Education Specialist
                                            in 2016. Today, the estimate is 70,000 birds statewide, a drop of about 30 percent
                                            in a span of six years.
                                              After several years watching and monitoring the surveys and hunting harvests,
                                            state biologists decided in 2020 that ODWC needed to act. The first goal was to
                                            immediately address the decline by tightening hunting regulations. The next goal
                                            was to conduct scientific research to learn what is causing the decline and what can
                                            be done long-term to best manage wild turkey populations.

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