Page 39 - Outdoor Oklahoma Magazine Mar-Apr2023
P. 39

The plight of the wild turkey in Oklahoma quickly became a priority for the Wildlife
          Department. It was time to embark on a major research project into what was caus-  Turkey Hunting Rules
          ing the decline.                                                      Allow One Tom in Spring
            Research Supervisor Kurt Kuklinski said ODWC emphasized the importance of   Oklahoma’s 2023 spring turkey
          wild turkey declines by initiating a 4.5-year study.                  hunting season’s regulations are
            “Just the fact that we’re willing to put almost $2 million on the line for a five-year   unchanged from the 2022 season,
          project, that shows at the administrative level that this was important.”  when the bag limit and season
            The research is focusing on demographic parameters of turkeys at sites in south-  dates were changed in response to
          eastern and southwestern Oklahoma, and genetic variation in wild turkeys across   a decline in wild turkey numbers.
          the state. Specifically, researchers are examining nesting success, nesting site char-  Hunters planning to pursue any of
          acteristics, and cause-specific mortality of poults and hens.         the three subspecies of wild turkeys
            The genetic analyses will focus on evaluating genetic heterozygosity, gene flow,   found in Oklahoma are reminded of
          and metapopulation dynamics of regional turkey populations. Biologists anticipate   these spring season regulations:
          information from this study will assist in determining priority areas for turkey conser-
                                                                                  •  Wild turkey hunting season
          vation and provide recommendations for specific wild turkey management.
            Entering its second year in 2023, researchers have already trapped and tracked   dates are April 16 to May16,
          wild turkeys in southeastern Oklahoma, and are preparing for the first trapping sea-
          son in the southwest. They are also preparing the first batch of collected biological
                                                                                  •  The spring turkey season bag
          samples to undergo extensive genetic analysis.
                                                                                    limit is one tom turkey per
            The project involves ODWC, the Oklahoma Cooperative Fish and Wildlife
                                                                                    hunter. A tom is defined as
          Research Unit, Texas A&M University-Kingsville, the federal Wildlife Restoration
                                                                                    any bearded turkey.
          Program, other state and federal entities, and private landowners who are working
          together to address wild turkey population dynamics.                    •  Rifles and handguns are illegal
            Stated research objectives are to:                                      methods of take in the spring
            •  Evaluate nest initiation rates, clutch size, nest success, nest site characteristics,   season. Archery and shotgun
              and habitat selection of nesting wild turkey at sites in southeastern and south-  (conventional or muzzleload-
              western Oklahoma.                                                     ing) are permitted.
            •  Evaluate brood ecology by monitoring poult survival and habitat selection for
                                                                                  •  The  2023 youth  spring  tur-
              wild turkey broods.
                                                                                    key season will be Saturday,
            •  Determine seasonal movement and habitat selection of wild turkey.
                                                                                    April 8,and Sunday, April 9,
            •  Determine survival of wild turkeys for breeding and nonbreeding hens based on
                                                                                    for hunters 17 or younger
              VHF data. Leg bands are being used to estimate harvest rates for male turkeys.
                                                                                    (accompanied by an adult).
            •  Determine how fragmentation and landscape features influence gene flow and
              genetic diversity among turkey populations.                         •  A turkey taken during youth
            •  Determine if any populations are isolated or have low genetic diversity.  spring turkey season counts
            •  Determine patterns of hybridization and introgression between genetic stocks   toward the regular season
              founded by the Rio Grande and Eastern wild turkey subspecies.         limit of one turkey per hunter.
            •  Provide best management practices for wild turkey management and incorpo-
              rate research findings into public outreach and extension programs.  •  Unfilled spring youth turkey
            When this major research project wraps up in June 2026, biologists expect it will   license remains valid during
          provide a better understanding into the cause of current wild turkey population   the regular spring season.
          declines, and will add to the collective science and best management practices for
          wild turkey management in Oklahoma and across the nation.

            To receive regular reports about the ongoing turkey research
          project, sign up to receive the Upland Update e-newsletter; just
          scan this code:

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