Page 50 - Outdoor Oklahoma Magazine Mar-Apr2023
P. 50

Watchable Wildlife
    Eastern Dobsonfly
    By Theron Blunck, Education Intern


                                 It’s a mid-summer Friday evening down   rocks in the fast current of streams and riv-
                              at river’s edge. You and your sweetheart are   ers. They appear as a flattened centipede-like
                              relaxing in the back of your pickup, listen-  critter with three pairs of legs on the thorax
                              ing to the sounds of nature and watching   (middle body segment) and four pairs of leglike
                                                    the bats come out   appendages along their abdomen, each with
                                                    in the receding    a fuzzy tuft-like gill at its base. The end of the
              Although scary looking,               twilight. Suddenly   abdomen has a pair of leglike hooks that allow

              adult male dobsonflies                you catch sight of   them to hold on to a rock in the fast-moving cur-
                                                                       rent. Hellgrammites also sport a pair of nubby
                                                    the most ferocious
              are harmless to people.               looking  winged    mandibles that can also deliver a painful bite.
                                                    creature you’ve ever   The eastern dobsonfly spends most of its life
               It is also thought that              seen! Beside you is   hiding under stones in the water, feeding on

              adult dobsonflies don’t               an insect about the   other water insects and small fish. After a cou-
                                                    size of your hand,   ple of years, the larva emerges from the water
               even feed during their               with large mottled   in search of a moist soil area to pupate. This
             three- to 10-day lifespan.             wings,  long  whip-  is typically under a log, rock, or leaf litter. The
                                                    ping antennae, and   pupa will grow from eight days up to a month
                                                    the biggest set of   before emerging as an adult.
                              pincers you’re certain have ever existed!   Adult male dobsonflies vie for the atten-
                                 What is this creature of nightmares you ask?   tion of a female by fiercely fluttering their
                              It’s the eastern dobsonfly (Corydalus cornutus).  wings and using those long mandibles to
                                 The eastern dobsonfly is in the family Coryd-  attempt to flip over other males in a courtship
                              alidae, which also includes the fishflies. They are   competition. The successful male is allowed
                              found throughout most of eastern and central   to approach the female, which will receive the
                              North America, including Oklahoma.       male after showing a display of aggression.
                                 This insect appears in its adult form as a   Eggs are deposited in coin-size masses that
                              large winged insect that measures up to 5.5   are  covered  in  a  hard,  chalky  substance  for
                              inches long with a wingspan of about 5 inch-  protection. Egg masses are usually placed
                              es. It has a soft, drab-gray, black, or brown   on vegetation or objects hanging over or
                              body. The four wings are covered with white   near the water. When the larvae emerge, they
                              and  black  splotches.  The  wings  are  usually   drop into the water, where they begin their
                              kept folded on its back when at rest.    life cycle.
                                 The males and females vary in appearance   Although scary looking, adult male dobson-
                              most  prominently  by  the  size  and  shape  of   flies are harmless to people. It is also thought
                              their mandibles (pincers). Males have sick-  that adult dobsonflies don’t even feed during
                              le-shaped mandibles that can measure up   their three- to 10-day lifespan. The hellgram-
                              to 1.6 inches long. Despite their threatening   mite, however, spends its time eating, but also
                              look, these mouth parts are just for show,   is a food item for many fish. Many anglers seek
                              used in courting.                        out hellgrammites because they are excellent
                                 Female dobsonflies have short, nubbed man-  bait. But, the mouth parts that make them
                              dibles that can be used to deliver a painful bite.  fierce predators also make them hard biters, so
                                 Larval dobsonflies, known as hellgrammites,   anglers should keep that in mind when collect-
                              spend most of their lives in the water under   ing them as bait.

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