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Watchable Wildlife
    Catalpa Sphinx Caterpillar
    By Maggie Wood, Education Intern


                                 Every summer, from mid-June through   so therefore it cannot feed. All the catal-
                              July, a favorite natural bait of many fisher-  pa leaves that were eaten during the larva

                              man is abundantly available if they know   stage is fuel for their next mission, which is
                              where to look.                           to mate and lay eggs — starting the cycle
                                 “Catalpa worms” only feed on catalpa   over again.

                              trees, and they only feed for a few weeks.   Catalpa caterpillars are most valuable as
                              Catalpa trees are easy to recognize because   fish bait when they are larva eating away on
                              of their light green, heart-shaped leaves.   catalpa trees. The caterpillars are yellow or

                              Another distinctive characteristic is the   green with a black stripe running down their
                              bean-like seed pods that are found after   entire length. They have suction cup-like

                                                    the tree produces   feet, a shiny black head, and a black spine
              Catalpa worms are known               its white flowers.  or horn on their back. The caterpillars can
             as “catfish candy” and “taffy            The proper name   grow up to 3 inches long.
              worms,” which is a clue for           for the catalpa      Oldtimers, and anyone they passed their

              just how good they are as             worm is the catalpa   knowledge to, will collect the worms as fish
                        fish bait.                  sphinx  caterpillar.   bait. Some will lay down a tarp or sheet and

                                                    These  caterpillars   use a pole to hit the leaves and branches to
                              eventually become sphinx moths (Ceratomia   knock the worms to the ground. Once on

                              catalpae). Their life cycle consists of four stag-  the sheet, the worms are easily collected
                              es: egg, larva, pupa, and adult.         into a bucket or container. Another meth-
                                 As an adult, the sphinx moth lays up to   od of collection is to just pull them off the

                              1,000 eggs on the underside of a new catal-  leaves one by one.
                              pa leaf in the spring. Those eggs hatch after   Even though catalpa worms are only
                              10-14 days, and the larva start eating the catal-  available  in summer, catfish love them

                              pa leaves. The larva continue eating and will   year-round dead or alive! To preserve a
                              molt five times before they leave the host tree   summer haul to use later, boil the worms

                              to burrow into the ground.               and place them on a towel until dry. Put
                                 Once burrowed in the ground, the larva   them in a sealable plastic bag with corn-
                              begins the pupal stage. The pupa will stay   meal to freeze.

                              burrowed through winter. In spring, the    Catalpa worms  are  known  as  “catfish
                              pupa emerges as an adult. As an adult, the   candy” and “taffy worms,” which is a clue

                              catalpa sphinx moth does not have a mouth,   for just how good they are as fish bait.

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