Page 34 - OutdoorOK2024MayJune ONLINE
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Department can get from anglers, the
                                                                           more biologists can learn.

                                                                       WHERE TO SHARE:
                                                                         Just as it takes time to find the perfect rock
                                                                       for  skipping,  it  takes  time  to  find  the  right
                                                                       nature sharing app or site for your needs.
                                                                       We’ve highlighted four of our favorite sites
                                                                       below but encourage you to study the features
                                                                       of the individual sites and their privacy state-
                                                                       ments before giving them a test run.

                                                                         If you’re interested in sharing sighting details
                                                                       for a variety of organisms (a bird observation
                                •  When the Wildlife Department receives   one day, a plant observation the next, and a
                                  reports of aquatic nuisance species like big-  turtle observation a week later…), iNaturalist is
                                  head carp, biologists can collect important   a great “where to share” candidate. After cre-
                                  data about the invasive species and track   ating a free account, you can add observation
                                  their infiltration in the state’s waters. The   details from their website or mobile app, share
                                  bighead carp invasion into Oklahoma has   notes beyond the standard “what, when, and
                                  proven bizarre so far … reports seem limit-  where” fields, and search for sightings made
                                  ed to adult animals, and biologists have not   by other iNaturalists in your area. As an added
                                  yet seen signs of recruitment. Additionally,   bonus, iNaturalist automatically recommends
                                  the existing population hasn’t seemed to   species identifications when you upload a
                                  boom as it has in other states and water-  photograph with your observation. Members
                                  ways. The more bighead carp the Wildlife   of the iNat community may also recommend
                                                                       identifications once the observation is posted.
                                                                       Learn more about iNat’s features in the online
                                                                       “Getting Started” guide.
                                                                         Not quite ready to upload and share details
                                                                       of your nature sightings? Consider using “Seek
                                                                       by iNaturalist.” (App Store/Google Play) Your
                                                                       observations and photos won’t be posted
                                                                       on iNaturalist, but you’ll still get automat-
                                                                       ed  recommendations  for species identifica-
                                                                       tions. Seek is a great iNaturalist alternative for
                                                                       younger children and classrooms.

                                                                         Similar to iNaturalist, eBird documents the
                                                                       important “what, when, and where” details
                                                                       of your sightings. But where iNaturalist doc-
                                                                       uments all organisms, eBird focuses only on
                                                                       bird sightings. This hub for birders has two pri-
                                                                       mary features: 1) submitting your list of bird
              iNaturalist app.               eBird app.

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