Page 32 - OutdoorOK2024MayJune ONLINE
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FIELD GUIDES, ONLINE                    guides and identification tools into  the field.
                               RESOURCES, AND SWEAT EQUITY             Online resources like, the Cornell
                                                                       Lab of Ornithology’s All About Birds, and the
                                Identifying plants and animals can be a daunt-
                                                                       U.S. Forest Service’s bumble bee guides often
                              ing but worthwhile endeavor. Building this skill
                                                                       have more information than can be printed on
                              can take years, calls for a lot of patience and
                                                                       the pages of a physical guide, and may include
                              attention to detail, and often leads to memo-
                                                                       multimedia content like sound files and videos
                              rable — if not sometimes frustrating — time
                                                                       that simply can’t be printed.
                              spent in nature. Thankfully, countless resources
                              and identification tools are available that suit a   NATURE APPS
                              variety of learning styles.
                                                                         Many free nature sharing apps like iNatu-
                                                                       ralist and eBird include information about
                                                                       the species you’ve spotted, and some apps
                                                                       (we’re looking at you iNat) can actually pro-
                                                                       vide identification recommendations when a
                                                                       photo is uploaded.
                                                                         Beyond these sighting-oriented apps, a
                                                                       glut of nature apps and identification tools
                                                                       are waiting to be downloaded to your device.
                                                                       Some, like Merlin Bird ID by the Cornell Lab
                                                                       of Ornithology, are free, while others come
                                                                       with a nominal price tag. Apps like the Sibley
                                                                       Birds 2nd Edition combine features of print-
                                                                       ed field guides with the ability to search
                                                                       recordings and keep a personal log of your
                              FIELD GUIDES                             bird sightings.
                                Printed field guides are a treasured part of
                              many naturalists’ skill-building experience.   NATURE SIGHTINGS HELP FILL
                              They come in all shapes and sizes; may be   GAPS IN KNOWLEDGE
                              hard cover, spiral bound, or foldable; fea-
                                                                           As passionate and dedicated as
                              ture illustrations or photographs; and include
                                                                         Oklahoma’s biologists are, they can’t docu-
                              species found across continents, regions, or
                                                                         ment every incredible animal and plant found
                              individual states. As for the “best” guide, it’s
                                                                         in every corner of the state every hour of the
                              the one you will actually use. We recommend
                                                                         day. Instead, they conduct targeted surveys
                              visiting a local library or bookstore to win-
                                                                         during key times, often on public lands, and
                              dow-shop the best fit for you. If you plan on
                                                                         rely on nature enthusiasts to help fill in the
                              taking  your  guide  afield, be  sure  to  consid-
                                                                         knowledge gaps throughout the year.
                              er the weight and size … smaller, soft-bound
                                                                           Sharing sightings not only makes you
                              copies often make for friendlier trail com-
                                                                         more aware of the natural world around you,
                              panions. (P.S. Used guides may come with a
                                                                         but can also be key to statewide conserva-
                              cheaper  price  tag  and may include helpful
                                                                         tion efforts. Scan the
                              notes from the previous owner!)
                                                                         code to watch a video
                                                                         of James Hung as he
                              ONLINE RESOURCES
                                                                         shares why nature sight-
                                If you have a smartphone with a data plan,
                                                                         ings are so valuable.
                              you’re already carrying an untold number of free

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