Page 28 - OutdoorOK2024MayJune ONLINE
P. 28


            From one corner of the state to the next, partnerships   the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Foundation (OWCF).
          have been and will be a critical piece of shooting range con-  Silverleaf Shotgun Sports has been to improve their facilities
          struction and renovations. While each project is different   in partnership with the Wildlife Department.
          in scope and details, the one thing that they share is that   The National Rifle Association provided key funding for
          the collaborative relationships lead to win-win-wins, for the   the renovated range at the Lexington Wildlife Management
          Wildlife Department, for its partners, and most importantly   Area. Since 2017, ODWC has applied for a half-dozen NRA
          for hunters and recreational shooters.             public range grants totaling $68,000 in donations towards
            For example, Oklahoma Panhandle State University is home   new ranges or renovations, the latest being $25,000 for
          to a first-class shooting facility, and one is also in the works with   Optima Shooting Range renovation.
          the City of Altus. In both cases, the partnering organizations   OWCF is a great place to donate for upcoming projects
          provided match funds. The future archery range at Arcadia   that will soon begin construction. For more information, log
          Conservation Education Area has received major support from   on to
                                                          AMANDA THOMAS/ODWC                               DON P. BROWN/ODWC

          The Optima WMA shooting range, seen here, will undergo renovations   From left, Nels Rodefeld, Chief of Communication and
          and improvement thanks in part of to a generous donation from the NRA.  Education for ODWC; Amanda Thomas, ODWC Shooting Range
                                                                Coordinator; Peter Churchbourne, Director of NRA’s Hunters’
                                                                Leadership Forum; and Wade Free, ODWC Interim Director.

                                                                  The Public Range Fund of the National Rifle
                                      BERM          ADA Parking  Association donated $25,000 for matching federal

                    BERM             100 Yards                  grant funding.
                                   Covered Shooting Station
                                                                  Peter Churchbourne, director of the NRA’s Hunters’
                                                                Leadership Forum, presented the donation to ODWC
                                      50 Yards
                              BERM  Covered Shooting Station    in February 2024. It will be used to help pay for addi-
                                                                tions and renovation at the public shooting range at
                                                                Optima Wildlife Management Area.
          Optima WMA shooting range site plan.                    By leveraging this donation with matching federal
                                                                funds, a potential $100,000 will be available.
                               “We  have  made  significant       Liz Bush, managing director of NRA Community
                               progress with planning, ren-     Engagement, said, “NRA Range Services is grate-
                               ovating, and constructing        ful that we can be a part of this essential expan-
                               shooting ranges on our wild-     sion and improvement to the ranges at the Optima
                               life management areas, and       Wildlife Management Area to benefit the people
                               we are excited to continue       of Oklahoma.”
                               to increase public shooting        “Public ranges allow hundreds of thousands of
                               access across the state.”        hunters, competitive shooters, and target shoot-
               — Amanda Thomas, Shooting Range Coordinator,     ers to work on their marksmanship under safe
                 Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation   and responsible conditions,” Bush said.

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