Page 24 - OutdoorOK2024MayJune ONLINE
P. 24

          HEATHER DEL MORAL/ODWC                             to wildlife conservation. When shooters buy sporting arms
                                                               Recreational shooters have become major contributors

                                                             and ammunition, manufacturers pay an excise tax to the
                                                             federal government that is required to be apportioned
                                                             back to the states for wildlife conservation efforts.
                                                               The North American Model of Wildlife Conservation
                                                             is a user-pay, public-benefit system, and recreation-
                                                             al shooters along with hunters and anglers are the top
                                                             payers ensuring conservation happens and that wildlife
                                                             abounds for those who love the outdoors.
                                                               With recreational shooting on the rise during the
                                                             past  decade,  the  Oklahoma  Department  of Wildlife
                                                             Conservation is working to help meet the greater
                                                             demand for places to shoot. ODWC has more than 20
                                                             shooting ranges in various stages of construction, envi-
                                                             ronmental, engineering, and/or planning phases.
                                                               ODWC is committed to a multiyear program to renovate
                                                             or  construct  shooting  ranges  on  Wildlife  Management
                                                             Areas statewide as well as partner with outside par-
                                                             ties to encourage enhancement, expansion, and/or new
                                                             development of public target ranges in the state.
                                                               ODWC is addressing the need for increased public
          Elevated archery stands at any ODWC shooting range require shooters to   shooting access in Oklahoma for new hunters, and rec-
          use a harness for safety.
                                                                                reational and competitive shooters,
                                                                                while also encouraging existing
          AMANDA THOMAS/ODWC                                                    hunters and shooters to enhance

                                                                                their skills by becoming more pro-
                                                                                ficient with firearms, promoting
                                                                                safe and  responsible  hunting  and
                                                                                shooting practices, and providing
                                                                                safe and environmentally responsi-
                                                                                ble shooting areas.
                                                                                  This guide shows where public land
                                                                                shooting ranges can be found, and
                                                                                also details plans that ODWC has for
                                                                                future development of ranges.
                                                                                  Anyone  who uses  a Wildlife
                                                                                Department shooting range must
                                                                                possess a state of Oklahoma
                                                                                hunting or combination hunting/
                                                                                fishing license.
                                                                                  Detailed rules are posted at each
                                                                                range. For more information, contact
          A young shooter enjoys practicing at the Kaw WMA pistol range.        the wildlife biologist for that area.

          2                                                                                      TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT!
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