Page 20 - OutdoorOK2024MayJune ONLINE
P. 20

For many Oklahoma birders, woodpeckers are a somewhat expected
                                                   staple. As a group, the insect eating, drumming machines can be spot-
                                                   ted across the state at any time of the year, in almost every habitat. But
                                                   some of the state’s 14 documented species are more challenging to find
                                                   than others.
                                                    During a “Breeding Bird Atlas” survey near the community of Vinson,
                                                   Mark Howery, a senior biologist with the Wildlife Department, hauled
                      Vinson                       in a remarkable collection of woodpeckers, including two species with
                                                   limited ranges in the state. Vinson, located eight miles east of the
                                                   Texas state line in Harmon County, resembles much of southwestern
                                                   Oklahoma’s mesquite grasslands.
                                                    “It  really  surprised  me,”  Howery  said.  “I  saw  golden-fronted
                                                   woodpeckers, red-headed woodpeckers, northern flickers, and lad-
                                                   der-backed woodpeckers. And I was able to get confirmation of nesting
          Red-headed woodpecker.                   for each species.”

                                                                                                              JEN GOELLNITZ CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

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