Page 18 - OutdoorOK2024MayJune ONLINE
P. 18

STEPHEN OFSTHUN                                               H E R O N

                                                                       noun [HERR] + [UHN]: any of various long-necked
                                                                       and long-legged wading birds (family Ardeidae)
                                                                       with a long tapering bill, large wings, and soft
                                                                       plumage. Dictionary.

                                                                         Herons can be a great introduction to the world
                                                                       of bird watching. As a group, Oklahoma’s four her-
                                                                       ons are large enough to readily be seen and have
                                                                       a distinctive body shape with a long neck and legs.
                                                                       And the great blue heron, the largest of the wading
                                                                       birds, can be found across Oklahoma year-round.
                                                                         Bird watching can be a great reason to
                                                                       explore Oklahoma and its natural places. In
                                                                       addition to helping you disconnect from your
                                                                       daily stresses — or reconnect with your wild
                                                                       family and friends — your bird watching excur-
                                                                       sions can also help biologists! When you share
                                                                       your sightings of birds or other animals or
                                                                       plants, you’re filling in gaps of knowledge and
          Great blue heron.                                            contributing to conservation!

                                                                        S W I F T
          ANDY REAGO & CHRISSY MCCLARREN CC BY 2.0.                    adjective [SWIFT]: moving or capable of moving

                                                                       with great speed.

                                                                       noun: 1 any of several lizards (especially of the
                                                                       genus Sceloporus) that run swiftly, 3: any of
                                                                       numerous small plainly colored birds (family
                                                                       Apodidae) that are related to the humming-
                                                                       birds but superficially much resemble swal-
                                                                       lows. Dictionary.

                                                                         From chimney swifts to swift foxes, Oklahoma
                                                                       has no shortage of speedy animals. But speed
                                                                       isn’t the only adaptation of our state’s fish and
                                                                       wildlife. Camouflage, migration, special forag-
                                                                       ing behaviors, and mimicry are just a few ways
                                                                       animals have found their niche!
                                                                         Meet Oklahoma’s incredible wildlife species
                                                                       each month in the free Wild Side e-newsletter! In
                                                                       addition to species spotlights, each issue shares
                                                                       updates on research and survey projects and
          Chimney swift.                                               ways to get involved in conservation.

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