Page 13 - OutdoorOK2024MayJune ONLINE
P. 13

GAME BAG                                           protect infrastructure in our wildlife management area with WMA
                                                             Technician Adam Dreyer. Myself and Lewis Jennings fought the
                                                             wildfire and managed resources for our designated counties with
          A COLLECTION OF LETTERS                            our fire departments.

          TO THE WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT                           This 1 million-acre-plus wildfire gave us a lot to worry about, but
                                                             knowing we could leave our areas in the hands of this crew to focus
          We’d like to hear from you! Send your letters to Outdoor   on the task at hand is something each of us, our families, and our
          Oklahoma Letters, P.O. Box 53465, Oklahoma City, OK   communities are extremely thankful for.
          73152, or send e-mail to                Marcus Thibodeau, ODWC Wildlife Biologist

          Dear Wade Free, ODWC Interim Director,
            On behalf of myself and B.A.S.S., I want to thank you and your   Dear Wildlife Department,
          staff for all the help you provided at the recent Bassmaster Classic   I just wanted to write in and say that I’ve really enjoyed utilizing
          in Tulsa. Fish hauling from Tulsa to Keystone and Grand Lake is no   the outdoor WMA gun ranges. I’ve been to a few across the state
          easy chore, and we sincerely appreciate the time and effort your   on many occasions and have never had a negative experience. I’m
          agency put into the task. Returning the bass weighed on the Classic   sure you all don’t hear it enough, but thanks for all that you do!
          stage back to the lakes where they were caught is something that                               Ethan
          the public expects, and it can only happen with the assistance of
          our state agency partners like ODWC.
            We also appreciate the loan of the projectors for our Conserva-  Dear Don P. Brown, Associate Editor,
          tion Summit. That may seem like a small thing, but given the crazy   All I can say is wow and thanks! I was just inquiring (about when
          rates for renting AV equipment, it really did help out and allowed   my magazine subscription would start), and I know these things
          us to provide amenities to the guests that would otherwise not   take time to “get into the system.” However, you have gone well
          be affordable.                                     above expectations, and I thank you.
            Please forward my thanks to all of the management and hatchery   Just another reason to love our Oklahoma Department of Wild-
          staff that were involved in both the fish hauling and Conservation   life Conservation.
          Summit. And don’t hesitate to let me know how B.A.S.S. can help                     Paul Waits, via email
          you in the future.
                        Gene Gilliland, B.A.S.S. conservation director  EDITOR’S NOTE: Mr. Waits placed his new subscription order just a
                                                             few days after the cut-off date for receiving the next magazine. We
                                                             confirmed his order status and gladly sent along a copy of the mag-
          Dear Wildlife Department,                          azine he’d just missed. Subscribers who want to check their order
            This shout-out goes to ODWC Wildlife Division employees Scott   status or change their address or send a message are welcome to
          Parry, Ron Smith, Scotty Webb, Brian Powell, Alex Cooper,   go online to and use
          Weston Storer, Jesse Groggin, Joe Nabonne, Thad Potts, and   our Customer Service Portal. We extend our thanks to Mr. Waits,
          Chase Kokajan. During the Smokehouse Creek Fire that came into   and all of our subscribers, for supporting Outdoor Oklahoma and
          Ellis and Roger Mills counties from Texas, these men showed up to   wildlife conservation in Oklahoma.

          ODWC SEEKS BUMBLE BEE SIGHTINGS                                         IT’S THE LAW:

            ODWC is asking Oklahomans to share sightings of the American bumble bee online at   Noodling, the catching of fish
 The free online crowdsourcing platform allows wildlife enthusiasts to con-  with the hands only, is permitted for
          nect with biologists as well as a larger community                      all nongame fish including flathead
          of naturalists.                                                         catfish. Oklahoma’s other two
            As a pollinator, the American bumble bee                              species of catfish, blue and channel
          plays an important role. These bees, along with                     ALEJANDRO SANTILLANA/CC0  catfish, are classified as game fish,
          other native pollinators, help many plants, which                       but  regulations allow  only  these
          in turn ensure important food sources for many                          two game fish species to be
          wildlife species.                                                       taken  when  noodling.  Noodling
            Oklahoma has at least 10 species of bumble                            is  prohibited at all Wildlife
          bees. But American bumble bees have three black                         Department  fishing  areas,  but  is
          and two yellow bands. The first yellow band is just                     permitted in most public fishing
          behind the eyes; the second band is in the middle                       areas. Consult the Special Area
          of the abdomen.                                                         Regulations for the water body
            Create a free iNaturalist account to share your                       where you intend to noodle.
          American bumble bee sightings with ODWC.   American bumble bee.

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