Page 10 - OutdoorOK2024MayJune ONLINE
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            EDITOR’S NOTE: The Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation and Oklahoma Station Chapter Safari Club International sponsor
          a creative writing competition for middle and high school students. A boy and a girl from two age divisions are selected winners. Students
          write essays using the theme “Hunting: Sharing the Heritage” or “Archery: What I Like About Archery in the Schools and Bowhunting.”
          Winners in the age 15-17 category receive a guided antelope hunt in the Texas Panhandle, and winners in the 11-14 age category receive
          a hunting trip with Rack Attack Outfitters of Fairview (or similar) and a scholarship to the Outdoor Texas Camp. In this issue, Outdoor
          Oklahoma honors junior category female winner Allie Hayes, 12, from Woodall School.

                              By Allie Hayes                             Harvesting mature deer that are to their full
                                It was a cool, calm November day when my   potential is the responsibility of a good hunter;

                              dad and I took off on our early morning weekend   therefore, he or she must show patience, disci-
                              hunt. We walked through the dark, quiet woods   pline and self-control. A hunter must accurately

                              and listened to the leaves crunching beneath our   identify the target to avoid injury or violating wild-
                              feet. We climbed the old, sturdy red oak tree,   life laws. Harvesting a deer with a bow is a very
                              hooked our safety harnesses, and made ourselves   rewarding experience because of the patience,

                              comfortable in our tree stand. We knew the wait   practice, and time that goes into the sport.
                              ahead of us could be long, but we were prepared   Archery is equally as challenging as bowhunt-

                              to wait for the perfect deer.            ing. Even though you are not in the woods hunt-
                                We sat in the tree for what seemed like forever,   ing for that perfect buck, you still feel the same
                              listening to the peaceful sounds of birds chirping,   amount of pressure at an archery competition.

                              the whistling winds, and watched the colorful   Archers are lined up back-to-back, sometimes
                              autumn leaves fall from the trees around us. Final-  shooting at the same target, and it can become
                              ly, we spotted the first deer of the morning.  overwhelming, which is when you need to show

                                A healthy doe made her way through the trees,   self-control, focus, and confidence. When you are
                              stopping briefly to look behind her. We had an   finished shooting for the day and you’ve beat your
                              idea about what might be coming next; would it   previous high score, there is no better feeling of

                              be the perfect buck? A few moments later, there   accomplishment than that!
                              he was, walking steadily across the woods. Ner-  National Archery in the Schools (NASP) is a

                              vously, I grabbed my bow hoping for a successful   great program for so many. It allows students
                              hunting trip, but as the doe made her way quick-  who may not be interested in other sports the
                              ly through the woods, the buck followed right   chance to be a part of a team and involved in

                              behind her. Both the doe and buck continued on,   a school club. I am proud to be one of a few
                              first out of shooting range and then out of sight.   female archers representing Woodall School, and

                              The disappointment immediately set  in, but  I   I will take the valuable lessons that I have learned
                              quickly reminded myself that the challenge is what   through archery and hunting, and apply them to
                              makes bowhunting fun and exciting.       my life going forward.

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