Page 6 - OutdoorOK2024MayJune ONLINE
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                                The Oklahoma Wildlife License Modernization   our deepest thanks to the more than 15 conser-
                              Act  was signed into law March 26 by Gov. Kevin   vation-minded partner groups who threw their
                              Stitt. The measure streamlines and simplifies hunting   support behind ODWC and this measure because
                              and fishing licenses, and will provide funding for the   they understand how crucial it is to the future of
                              Wildlife Department primarily by adjusting license   Oklahoma’s natural resources.”
                              costs to regional averages.                The act adjusts license costs to more realistically
                                The act becomes effective July 1, 2024.  reflect the cost of wildlife conservation activities at
                                More than 20 years have passed since any notable   present. ODWC has struggled to maintain opera-
                              changes were made to the state’s fishing and hunting   tions during this time with no appreciable increase
                              licenses and fee structure. This modernization plan   in license fees and stagnant revenues.
                              reduces the array of licenses previously required for   This act also brings Oklahoma’s fees more in line
                              many activities and adjusts license fees to maintain a   to those of other surrounding states. In some cases,
                              stable funding source for future conservation of fish   the license cost will increase, and in others the cost
                              and wildlife in Oklahoma.                will decrease.
                                “As an avid outdoorsman and a lifetime hunting   By restructuring into fewer licenses and assigning
                              and fishing license holder, I’m proud to sign the Wild-  more realistic prices, the act is expected to gener-
                              life License Modernization Act,” Stitt said. “We’re   ate as much as $10 million in additional revenue to
                              going to be top 10 in everything and give Okla-  fund fish and wildlife conservation in Oklahoma.
                              homa hunters a streamlined licensing system. This   The funding will enhance fish and wildlife habitat
                              bill gets government out of the way by combining   improvements, address infrastructure and deferred
                              multiple licenses, cutting red tape, and modernizing   maintenance needs, and can be used to access fed-
                              the process.                             eral Office of Conservation Investment funds at a
                                The legislation was sponsored by state Sen.   rate of $3 for every state license dollar. The Wildlife
                              David Bullard of Durant, and state Rep. Ty Burns of   Department is a user-funded agency that is solely
                              Watchorn. Some highlights in the act:    supported by hunting and fishing license sales and
                                •  Consolidation of more than 50 current hunting   receives no state tax appropriations.
                                  and fishing licenses into 15.
                                •  Defining all “youth” as anyone younger than 18,   LICENSE MODERNIZATION FAQ
                                  whether resident or nonresident.
                                                                       What licenses are changing, and what licenses are
                                •  Creation of a single “youth super license” that   remaining?
                                  will take the place of about 15 different types of   For a comprehensive list of restructured licenses
                                  youth hunting licenses.              and adjusted prices, go online to wildlifedepartment.
                                •  Providing resident deer hunters one license for all   com/licensing.
                                  deer they are allowed to harvest in a season, an
                                  option previously only offered to nonresidents.  Will my current licenses still be valid?
                                                                         Yes, any license bought prior to July 1 will be valid
                                •  Increasing license costs for nonresidents hunt-  for what it was intended (one single resident gun
                                  ing deer and waterfowl in Oklahoma.  antlered deer license = one gun antlered deer). That

                                •  Adding the black bear hunting license to the   one license does not, however, cover hunters for all
                                  privileges granted with the lifetime hunting and   the deer they can hunt; after July 1, they will need to
                                  lifetime combination licenses.       buy a resident deer gun license if they are going to
                                                                       hunt beyond just the license they bought previously.
                                “Restructuring Oklahoma’s cumbersome and
                              outdated licensing structure has been the No. 1
                              priority the past several years for the Oklahoma   What about Controlled Hunts fee structure? Will
                              Wildlife Conservation Commission,” said Wade   it change for this year?
                              Free, Interim Director of the Wildlife Department.   Controlled Hunts will all be the same as far as the
                              “We are grateful for the sponsorship of Senate   regular application/current license types, and costs
                              Bill 941 by Sen. Bullard and Rep. Burns during   because the drawings will be conducted (and licens-
                              this legislative session. And we want to express   es paid and issued) prior to July 1.

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