Page 16 - OutdoorOK2024MayJune ONLINE
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                        THESE WILD WORDLES

              S E E          S H A R E       S C I E N C E
                        WE’VE COMPILED              Even when you’re far away from the natural world — sitting behind a
                        FIVE-LETTER WORDS          desk, scrolling for distraction, or playing a certain word game to make it
                        THAT CAN KEEP YOU          through the rest of your day — you can still immerse yourself in the plants
                        CONNECTED TO PLANTS        and animals that help make Oklahoma incredible.
                        AND ANIMALS BETWEEN         We’ve combed through our lexicon of wild conservation terms to find
                        NATURE FIXES .             five-letter words that can keep you connected between your nature fixes
                                                   … and might just fit in your next Wordle puzzle.

          STEPHEN OFSTHUN                           F A U N A

              S E E                                (and FLORA too!)
                                                   noun [FAW] + [NUH]: animal life, especially the animals characteristic of a
                                                   region, period, or special environment. Dictionary.

                                                    The Wildlife Department has long been charged with managing
                                                   and protecting fish and wildlife, along with their habitats. This mission
                                                   embraces thousands of species of both fauna and flora, including 450-
                                                   plus birds, 100-plus mammals, 150-plus fish, 125-plus reptiles and
                                                   amphibians, and 2,500-plus plants.
                                                    In addition to Oklahoma’s familiar game animals, the Wildlife
                                                   Department is also focused on the 300-plus species identified as being
                                                   in greatest need of additional conservation attention, including the Texas
                                                   horned lizard, crawfish frog, and Ozark big-eared bat. The agency’s
                                                   Wildlife Diversity Program has partnered with research groups to learn
                                                   more about these species and the habitats on which they rely.
                                                    Stay in touch with the Wildlife Department and learn about its conservation
          Ruby-throated hummingbird.               work by following us on our social media channels, @okwildlifedept.

          JEREMIAH ZURENDA                          F O R B S

                                                   noun [PH] + [ORBS]: an herb other than grass.

                                                    Whether you call them forbs, flowers, or weeds, many wildlife simply
                                                   call this suite of seed-producing plants “food.” Forbs (and their seeds,
                                                   leaves, and pollen) are a critical source of food for pollinators and song-
                                                   birds alike. When growing thick or tall enough, they can also provide
                                                   escape and thermal cover for even more amazing animal life.
                                                    Adding forbs and other native plants to your backyard or pasture is a
                                                   great way to attract wildlife to your property. We share tips for establishing
          Indian blanket.                          a successful wildscape in our online Landscaping for Wildlife guide.

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