Page 42 - OutdoorOK2024MayJune ONLINE
P. 42

“Harvester ants are feeding on the seeds of   While habitat is the major factor in maintain-
                              these grasses and forbs, and while people may   ing horned lizard populations, there are multi-
                              avoid spraying ant mounds with insecticide,   ple other ways to help the lizards.
                              they may not realize that spraying ‘weeds’ with   “If  you’re  trying  to  control  fire  ants,  you
                              herbicide can be just as detrimental to the liz-  can use 3 gallons of boiling water per mound
                              ards and their food supply.”             instead of insecticides that may affect native
                                Keeping bermudagrass and other invasive,   invertebrates,” Gonzales said. “And keeping
                              sod-forming grass at bay is another way to   house cats indoors can also protect lizards and
                              accommodate lizards.                     other wildlife from predation.
                                                                         “Don’t forget that roads can be a danger-
                                                                     NATHAN HOLDEN/READERS' PHOTO SHOWCASE 2017  animals. You can help reduce road mortality
                                                                       ous place for basking lizards and other small

                                                                       by being mindful when traveling, especially on
                                                                       dirt and pasture roads.”
                                                                         Howery and Gonzales also encourage peo-
                                                                       ple to share their Texas horned lizard sightings
                                                                         “In the last two years, we’ve received reports
                                                                       of more than 500 individual lizards, more than
                                                                       half of which have been juveniles, from 39 coun-
                                                                       ties,” Gonzales said. “It’s always great to get
                                                                       these reports and keep tabs on the population.”

                                                                       LIZARD OR TOAD?
                                                                         Despite the popular common name of
                                                                       “horned toad,” these animals are technically
                                                                       lizards. Both lizards and toads feed primarily
                                                                       on insects, but only the reptilian lizards have
                                                                       scales on their bodies, claws on their feet, and
                                                                       most have external ear openings. Toads and
                                                                       other  amphibians have  moist skin,  which  is
                                                                       usually smooth, lack claws, and do not have
                                “Horned lizards will spend time in mowed   external ear openings.
                              bermudagrass yards to bask in the sun and   “Texas horned lizards are more adapted to
                              warm up, but they can’t live there full time,”   drier environments than most reptiles and
                              warns Howery. “Bermudagrass doesn't pro-  amphibians, but they likely have higher water
                              duce enough seeds to support harvester ants,   requirements than we think,” Howery said. “In
                              and tall bermudagrass is difficult for horned   fact, these lizards can funnel rain and dew down
                              lizards to move through. Keeping bermu-  channels of scales on their back toward their
                              dagrass out of lizard habitat is key to maintain-  mouths to drink or ‘harvest’ that moisture.”
                              ing the ideal combination of native vegetation
                              and bare ground.”                        WHAT IS THE WILDLIFE
                                Private landowners can get more tips for  DEPARTMENT DOING FOR TEXAS
                              maintaining habitat for lizards, or any other  HORNED LIZARDS?
                              native wildlife, by scheduling a visit with the   In addition to collecting Texas horned liz-
                              Wildlife Department’s Private Lands Program.  ard sightings from the public and monitor-

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