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COOL FACTS About the Cicada:

          • These insects are 1 to 2 inches long with prominent eyes on each side of the head.
          • The male creates a loud buzzing courtship call in spring and summer.
          • Many species emerge from the soil annually after living underground 2 to 5 years.
          • Some species emerge in 13- or 17-year intervals, perhaps a survival strategy.
          • In spring 2024, emergence of both 13- and 17-year species is expected in the United States.
          • The adult insect is called an imago, and adults only survive about two weeks.
          • They feed on xylem sap from various tree species.
                                    • At least 3,000 cicada species are found
          ROSARIO/INATURALIST CC-BYNC  • Their song is loud enough at close range to                          TED MACRAE/INATURALIST CC-BYNC

                                     cause permanent hearing loss in people.
                                    • Females cut slits into tree bark or limbs and
                                     deposits eggs.
                                    • Nymphs hatch from eggs and fall to the
                                     ground, where
                                     they burrow.
                                    • After emerging                      ASMITH/INATURALIST CC-BYNC
                                     from the soil,
                                     nymphs climb
                                     trees to shed
                                     exoskeletons and
                                     become adults.

          Color a Critter: Cicada


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