Page 50 - OutdoorOK2024MayJune ONLINE
P. 50

Watchable Wildlife
    Razor-backed Musk Turtle
    By Kayleen Sugianto, Oklahoma State University Student


                                 The razor-backed musk turtle (Sternot-  inches long. Females reach maturity faster
                              herus carinatus) is among many aquatic spe-  on average than males.
                              cies of turtles native to about 10 counties in   These turtles make their homes in
                              southeastern Oklahoma.                   aquatic habitats, such as medium to large
                                 Their  shells  range  in  color  from  light   flowing streams with sandy or gravelly bot-
                              brown to orange, with dark gray streaking   toms. They prefer deeper and clearer water
                              that has the potential to fade as time pass-  bodies. They walk along the floor of the
                                                    es. Their skin color   streams and use submerged rocks or wood
                                                    varies with brown,   as hiding places. Some turtles even have a
                While these turtles are             pink,  and  gray,   growth of healthy algae on their shells.
                 mainly aquatic, they               along with numer-    While these turtles are mainly aquatic,
               often take advantage of              ous small black    they often take  advantage  of  emerging

             emerging deadwood upon                 dots sprinkled     deadwood upon which to bask. Basking
                                                    across its body.   occurs on logs or high above the water on
                     which to bask.
                                                      The carapace,    steeply angled branches that have fallen
                                                    or  top shell, is   from trees. These areas allow the razor-
                              high-domed with sharp, swooping scales   backed musk turtle the ability to avoid
                              that resemble razored humps along the    areas where other turtles thrive.
                              midline of the back. These humps are what   Razor-backed musk turtles are primarily
                              give this turtle its name.               carnivorous,  preying  on  aquatic  insects,
                                 When bothered, this turtle can excrete   snails, crustaceans, and other sources of
                              a pungent musk.                          food that come their way. Larger individu-
                                 These turtles generally have 10 scales on   als of the species tend to favor mollusks in
                              the plastron, or bottom shell, where other   their diet. They also eat amphibians, carrion
                              turtles often have 11 scales. A single pair   and aquatic plants. They are active mostly
                              of barbels is noticeable on the chin rather   from late afternoon into evening, and pre-
                              than on the neck.                        dawn through morning.
                                 Adult turtles rarely exceed 5 inches    Predators of these small turtles include
                              long in Oklahoma. Hatchlings are about   alligator snapping turtles, water snakes, div-
                              an  inch  long  and  weigh  3  to  4  grams.   ing beetles, and many other aquatic pred-
                              Male turtles may be slightly larger than   atory species.
                              females and have longer tails. Like most   Spotting razor-backed musk turtles can
                              turtle species, the sex of the razor-    be difficult because they are greatly aware
                              backed musk turtle’s offspring is deter-  of their surroundings. Because of this, they
                              mined  by temperature; more  females     are easily startled and will plunge straight
                              are produced in cooler or warmer con-    back into the water at the slightest distur-
                              ditions, and more males are produced at   bance perceived as a threat. The use of
                              intermediate temperatures.               binoculars would be the best way to detect
                                 Individuals reach maturity about 4 to   and observe these turtles as they bask in the
                              7 years of age, and they are about 3 to 4   sun throughout most of the year.

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