Page 43 - 2020 May/June Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 43

spawning sites. Some moved nearly   mouth bass by not stocking reservoir   Smallmouth bass
          five miles to find spawning habitat.”  strain smallmouths into reservoirs in
            Male smallmouth bass typically   northeastern Oklahoma. The Neosho   shoved themselves
          build nests over gravel in shallow   bass are a unique and valuable    between rocks,
          water and court females to spawn.   resource to Oklahoma anglers and
          Males aggressively guard the nests   are worthy of conservation efforts.  in cavities, and
          during construction, through hatch-  Responsible land management       in piles of woody
          ing and for a short spell as fry hover   surrounding northeastern Oklahoma
          above the nest and the guarding   streams is an important component    debris.
          male before disbursing to nursery   of conserving this species. ODWC
          habitat. The researchers noted that   Fisheries Regional Supervisor Jim
          bass in their study seemed to con-  Burroughs said this species merits pro-
          centrate in select areas, which might   tection from threats including land use
          indicate limited spawning habitat.   changes, increasing water demand and
            As to what the females were doing   the introduction of non-native species.
          post-spawn, Brewer said they didn’t   “Conserving  Oklahoma’s  unique
          travel far, typically staying near   native species should remain a par-
          the closest deep pools until about   amount responsibility and priority   Curiously, none
          September. Then there seemed to   of ODWC,” Burroughs said.
          be a downstream movement, partic-   Also, some streams hold the poten-  of the bass were
          ularly by the older and larger bass.  tial for high angler harvest. Biologists   located in the
            The three streams that har-     should consider angler creel limits
          bored the radioed smallmouth      aimed at conserving the species.     reservoir; they
          bass all empty into Grand Lake O’   “Dr. Brewer and her students       all stayed in the
          the  Cherokees.  Curiously,  none  of   expended an enormous amount of
          the bass were located in the reser-  effort to provide this information   streams.
          voir; they all stayed in the streams.   to ODWC in an effort to manage
          Moreover, the bass stayed in the   Neosho smallmouth bass popula-
          streams in which they were tagged,   tions to the best of our abilities. This
          except for one female that moved   project is a great example of the
          seasonally between two streams.   research partnership we have built
            Kurt Kuklinski, Fisheries Research   with the OSU Cooperative Wildlife
          Supervisor at the Wildlife Department’s   Research Unit,” Kuklinski said.
          Fisheries Research Lab in Norman, said   This study gives the ODWC
          study findings point to the uniqueness   Streams Program added information
          of this fish. “Neosho smallmouth bass   to manage and protect the state’s
          are a stream fish. They have a liking   stream resources.
          for cool, spring-fed flowing waters.
          They’re native to the eastern one-third   (Information and  Education  Specialist
          of Oklahoma, and their reliance on   Don P. Brown contributed to this article.)
          Ozark streams makes them different
          than lake-dwelling smallmouth bass.”   Learn More Online
            Kuklinski said study results will   Check out the Outdoor Oklahoma YouTube Channel for more about
          help biologists make the best deci-  northeastern Oklahoma streams and smallmouth bass. Here are some
          sions about properly managing       related videos:
          Neosho smallmouth bass. Some of     • Underwater Smallmouth Bass Research:
          the early findings include:         • Ozark Streams and Smallmouth Bass:
            There is a need to protect the
          genetic  integrity  of  Neosho  small-  • Underwater Oklahoma:

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