Page 39 - 2020 May/June Outdoor Oklahoma
P. 39

bout the time that redbuds flash
          Atheir pretty pinkish blooms on
          eastern Oklahoma’s hillsides and                                                                    BRANDON BROWN/ODWC
          gray streamside sycamores unfurl
          their fresh leaves the color akin to a
          wet lime, there’s something curious
          going on.
            And it goes mostly sight unseen.
            Smallmouth bass are on the move
          with  the singular  purpose  of  pro-
          creation. As our planet wobbles
          back to the vernal position, the
          amount of daylight lengthens, shad-
          ows shorten and the creek waters   The Neosho smallmouth bass, seen in this image taken from video, was the subject of a four-
          warm. These cues signal to one of   year study aimed at finding out this unique species movements and nesting habits in streams of
          America’s top freshwater sport fish   northeastern Oklahoma.
          that it’s time to spawn.          unhook your catch and decide to
            The fish that ardent anglers call   release it. A plucky flip of the tail
          “bronzeback” hold a renowned      fin, a splash, and off it goes.      The fight of this
          reputation as energized packets     Smallmouth bass are a favorite of
          of fish flesh. Twitch a floating   many anglers — and have been for    fish is always
          stickbait on slick water over a   years since well before former U.S.   outsized.
          dark pool at dusk, or drag a cray-  Fish and Wildlife Service scientist
          fish-colored club-tailed jig over   and medical doctor, James Henshall,
          a gravelly run, and then hang on.   branded the species as the “gamest
          The fight of this fish is always   fish that swims” in his 1881 tome,
          outsized. And expect to see a few   “Book of the Black Bass.” It’s still in
          leaps out of the water before you   print, by the way.
                                                                                                              SHANNON BREWER/OSU

          Deeper pools are where Neosho smallmouth bass were commonly found in the warmer months.

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