Page 222 - Interp Book
P. 222

Appendix 2: Mapped Types with Short Descriptions, Area, and Number of Ground Data Points.

                                                                                                                                                                                                     No.       Ground
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Original     truth
                                         Mapped Type Name                                        Brief Description                                    Area (HA)       Area (AC)       Percent      Samples    Samples

                                                                This type contains Ashe juniper among the dominants together with deciduous shrubs
                                         Arbuckle: Ashe         and trees.  Important components may include stretchberry (elbow-bush), eastern
                                         Juniper Shrubland      redbud, gum bumelia, scaleybark (bastard) oak, chinkapin oak, post oak, blackjack oak,    4,831.3        11,938.4         0.03%           5           0
                                                                and winged elm. Eastern redcedar may replace Ashe juniper in some stands.

                                                                This type is characterized by Ashe juniper among the dominant species in the tree or
                                                                shrub layer, or both.  Other common deciduous trees and shrubs may include Buckley
                                         Arbuckle: Ashe         oak, Texas ash, scaleybark (bastard) oak, stretchberry (elbow-bush), sugar hackberry,     3,269.3          8,078.7      0.018%            5           0
                                         Juniper Woodland
                                                                gum bumelia, slippery elm, and chinkapin oak.  Eastern redcedar may be a component,
                                                                replacing Ashe juniper, in some stands.

                                                                This type is dominated by deciduous shrubs and small or sparse trees but may contain
                                         Arbuckle: Deciduous    Ashe juniper or eastern redcedar as a component.  Common woody components may             2,599.5          6,423.4      0.014%            4           0
                                         Shrubland              include stretchberry (elbow-bush), eastern redbud, gum bumelia, scaleybark (bastard)
                                                                oak, post oak, blackjack oak, chinkapin oak, and winged elm.

                                                                This type is mapped on slopes >20%, and includes sites over more or less calcareous
                                                                soils.   Composition is similar to the Arbuckle: Ashe Juniper Woodland, but stands tend
                                         Arbuckle: Juniper      to be more dense and more diverse.  Ashe juniper, eastern redcedar, post oak,             1,196.0          2,955.3      0.007%            1           0
                                         Slope Forest
                                                                blackjack oak, Buckley oak, scaleybark (bastard) oak, Texas ash, stretchberry (elbow-
                                                                bush), and chinkapin oak are common components.

                                                                This type is mapped on slopes >20%, and includes sites over more or less calcareous
                                                                soils.  Composition depends mainly on substrate, with species such as Buckley oak,
                                         Arbuckle: Oak -        chinkapin oak, Shumard oak, and Texas ash occurring over limestones and species             272.8           674.2       0.002%            0           0
                                         Juniper Slope Forest   such as post oak, bitternut hickory, black oak, and blackjack oak more important over
                                                                acidic substrates.  Sugar hackberry, winged elm, Ashe juniper, eastern redcedar, and
                                                                slippery elm are other common woody components.

                                                                This type is mapped over limestone (more calcareous) and dolomite (less calcareous)
                                         Arbuckle: Oak -        soils.  Ashe juniper is more important over limestone, whereas eastern redcedar is more
                                         Juniper Woodland       important over less calcareous soils.  Important deciduous species include post oak,        514.7          1,271.8      0.003%            0           0
                                                                sugar hackberry, blackjack oak, chinkapin oak, Buckley oak, black oak, and winged elm.

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