Page 226 - Interp Book
P. 226

                                                                                                                                                                                                     No.       Ground
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Original     truth
                                         Mapped Type Name                                        Brief Description                                    Area (HA)       Area (AC)       Percent      Samples    Samples

                                                                This type forms fairly dense woodlands with two-needle pinyon and one-see juniper as
                                         Black Mesa: Pinyon -   important components.   Common shrubs include skunkbush sumac, mountain                   1,097.4          2,711.7      0.006%            3           1
                                         Juniper Woodland       mahogany, and Gambel oak.  Grasses may include sideoats, blue, and hairy grama,
                                                                sand dropseed, and tobosa.  Soapweed yucca and tree cholla are common succulents.

                                                                In the modern landscape this type is most often represented by heavily grazed pasture
                                         Blackland:             dominated by non-native and grazing tolerate species such as Bermudagrass, field          3,290.6          8,131.3      0.018%            0           1
                                         Pasture/Prairie        brome, and tall fescue.  Areas with lower levels of grazing may have species such as
                                                                little bluestem, yellow Indiangrass, and big bluestem among the dominants.

                                                                This type is mapped in broken landscapes associated with weathering of sedimentary
                                                                rocks that do not contain much gyp.  Common shrubs include skunkbush sumac,
                                                                fragrant sumac, Mohr shin oak, Chickasaw plum, lotebush, and mesquite (within range).
                                         Canyon: Deciduous      Eastern redcedar and sandage may also be components.  Short and mid-grasses such         29,512.2        72,926.1       0.163%            1           6
                                                                as sideoats grama, hairy grama, tobosa, sand dropseed, little bluestem, silver bluestem,
                                                                and cheatgrass occur in the modern landscape.  Grazing-tolerant forbs such as stiff
                                                                greenthread, broom snakeweed, and prairie broomweed are common.

                                                                This type is mapped in broken landscapes associated with weathering of sedimentary
                                                                rocks that do not contain much gyp.  Short and mid-grasses such as sideoats grama,
                                                                hairy grama, tobosa, sand dropseed, little bluestem, silver bluestem, and cheatgrass
                                         Canyon: Grassland      occur in the modern landscape.  Grazing-tolerant forbs such as stiff greenthread, broom   23,615.4       58,354.7       0.130%            9           5
                                                                snakeweed, white sagebrush, and prairie broomweed are common.  Common shrubs
                                                                include skunkbush sumac, Chickasaw plum, lotebush, and mesquite (within range).
                                                                Eastern redcedar and sandage may also be components.

                                                                This type is mapped in broken landscapes associated with weathering of sedimentary
                                                                rocks where patches or layers of gyp are common in the landscape.  Small (10 sq m to
                                                                200 sq m), open, sparsely vegetated patches or layers of gyp on slopes are common.
                                         Canyon: Gyp            Important shrubs may include skunkbush sumac, lotebush, mesquite (within range), and     14,707.9        36,344.0       0.081%            2           1
                                         Deciduous Shrubland    Mohr shin oak.  Succulents such as soapweed yucca, pricklypear, and Christmas cactus
                                                                may be present.  Pinchot's juniper, or less commonly, eastern redcedar may be present.
                                                                Short and mid-grasses such as gramas, little bluestem, cane bluestem, and annual
                                                                dropseeds are also common.

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