Page 231 - Interp Book
P. 231

                                                                           No.      Ground
                                                                         Original     truth
 Mapped Type Name   Brief Description   Area (HA)   Area (AC)   Percent   Samples   Samples

 This type is mapped in broken landscapes associated with weathering of sedimentary
 rocks that do not contain much gyp.  Eastern redcedar is the most common dominant,
 but Pinchot's juniper may also be dominant.  Other important woody species may include
 skunkbush sumac, fragrant sumac, Mohr shin oak, Chickasaw plum, lotebush, Siberian
 Canyon: Juniper   elm, sugar hackberry, and mesquite (within range).  Eastern redcedar and sandage may   22,458.7   55,496.6   0.124%   7   4
 also be components.  Short and mid-grasses such as sideoats grama, hairy grama,
 tobosa, sand dropseed, little bluestem, silver bluestem, and cheatgrass occur in the
 modern landscape.  Grazing-tolerant forbs such as stiff greenthread, broom snakeweed,
 and prairie broomweed are common.

 This type is mapped in broken landscapes associated with weathering of sedimentary
 Canyon: Sparsely   rocks where patches of open bare ground or very open vegetation occur over fairly   47.0   116.2   0.000%   0   0
 Vegetated   extensive areas (>1000 sq m).  Herbaceous and shrubby elements of other Canyon
 types may be present.

 This type circumscribes a variety of grasslands in different conditions across broad
 gradients in both moisture and temperature.  In the modern landscape, non-native and
 grazing-tolerant species such as field brome, Bermudagrass, prairie broomweed,
 Central Mixedgrass:   cheatgrass, three-awn species, hairy grama, other grama species, buffalograss, and
 Prairie/Pasture   western ragweed are common.  Species such as little bluestem, silver bluestem, and   2,162,501.4   5,343,649.0   11.946%   420   139
 sideoats grama may be more important in less heavily grazed areas, especially to the
 east within this type.  Woody components may include mesquite (south), eastern
 redcedar, Osage orange, and honeylocust.

 In the modern landscape, this type is mainly represented by grazed pastures with
 species such as cheatgrass, western ragweed, sand dropseed, field brome, King Ranch
 Central Mixedgrass:   Bluestem, and Bermudagrass common.  Areas with less grazing pressure have species
 Sandy   such as little bluestem, sideoats grama, silver bluestem, blue grama, and big bluestem.    141,365.3   349,320.7   0.781%   25   9
 Prairie/Pasture   Other common species include snake broomweed, prairie broom weed, white
 sagebrush, and soapweed yucca.  Eastern redcedar, honey mesquite (within range),
 sand sagebrush, and Chickasaw plum may be present.

 This type is mapped on slopes >20%, and composition is similar to the Crosstimbers:
 Crosstimbers:   Eastern Redcedar Woodland and Shrubland type, although it is commonly dominated by
 Eastern Redcedar   taller trees rather than shrubs, and canopy closure tends to be higher.  Common   3,691.6   9,122.1   0.020%   0   1
 Slope Woodland and   associated trees include post oak, blackjack oak, sugar hackberry, gum bumelia, winged
 elm, and black hickory.

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