Page 235 - Interp Book
P. 235

                                                                           No.      Ground
                                                                         Original     truth
 Mapped Type Name   Brief Description   Area (HA)   Area (AC)   Percent   Samples   Samples
 Crosstimbers:   This type is mapped over more or less deep, wind- or water-deposited sands.  Common
 Sandyland Post Oak   trees include post oak, blackjack oak, black hickory, sugar hackberry, and pecan.  Open   70,360.8   173,865.1   0.389%   19   11
 - Blackjack Oak   stands may include herbaceous cover with species such as pinweed, Florida snake-
 Forest and Woodland   cotton, southern jointweed, and Alabama supplejack.

 This type is mapped over more or less deep sands and in the modern landscape if most
 often represented by grazed pasture with non-native and grazing-tolerant species such
 Crosstimbers:   as Bermudagrass, tall fescue, annual ragweed, weeping lovegrass, Johnsongrass, and
 Sandyland Shrubland   sandbur species.  Overall herbaceous species diversity tends to be fairly high over   166,932.7   412,498.9   0.922%   35   4
 and Grassland   deeper sand, and some may contain species such as little bluestem, pinweed, Florida
 snake-cotton, southern jointweed, and Alabama supplejack.  Common woody
 components include Chickasaw plum, post oak, winged elm, and blackjack oak.

 This type represents pastures and woodland edges with sparse successional vegetation,
 Crosstimbers: Young   including shrubs and trees.  Common woody species include blackjack oak, post oak,
 winged elm, sumac species, hackberry species, common persimmon, honeylocust, gum
 Post Oak - Blackjack   bumelia, and pecan.  Herbaceous areas have species such as Bermudagrass, field   71,701.7   177,178.4   0.396%   18   10
 Oak Woodland
 brome, tall fescue, purpletop tridens, little bluestem, and silver bluestem.  Vines such as
 eastern poison ivy and greenbriar species are common.

 This type is mapped over soils defined as disturbed by digital soil surveys (e.g.
 Disturbed Soil   slickspots, pits).  Non-native and disturbance species such as Bermudagrass, tall   24,868.3   61,450.8   0.137%   2   0
 fescue, Johnsongrass, winged elm, and honeylocust are common components.
 This type circumscribes all varieties of herbaceous wetlands.  Common components
 Eastern Great Plains:   include sedge and rush species, spikerush species, cattails, smartweeds, and moist-soil   12,404.2   30,651.4   0.069%   2   1
 Herbaceous Wetland

 This type occurs mainly over unbroken sod in grazed pastures in the modern landscape,
 but some native hay meadows are also present.  Common grazing-tolerant species
 include field brome, tall fescue, silver bluestem, prairie broomweed, and western
 Flint Hills: Tallgrass   (Cuman) ragweed.  Tallgrass prairie elements may include little bluestem, big bluestem,   218,985.6   541,124.5   1.210%   23   2
 switchgrass, heath aster, leadplant, Canada goldenrod, and gayfeather species.  Woody
 plants such as eastern redcedar, honeylocust, pecan, common persimmon, and
 Chickasaw plum may be present.

 This type is mainly grazed or improved pasture in the modern landscape, with species
 Grand Prairie:   such as Bermudagrass, prairie broomweed, field brome, King Ranch bluestem, silver
 Prairie/Pasture   bluestem, western (Cuman) ragweed, and Johnsongrass common.  Woody species such   17,127.0   42,321.7   0.095%   10   0
 as winged elm, Chickasaw plum, and honeylocust may be present.

 High Plains: Active   This type consists of bare dunes with little vegetation.   790.0   1,952.1   0.004%   1   1
 Sand Dunes

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