Page 233 - Interp Book
P. 233

                                                                           No.      Ground
                                                                         Original     truth
 Mapped Type Name   Brief Description   Area (HA)   Area (AC)   Percent   Samples   Samples
 Crosstimbers:   This type circumscribes young, sparse woodlands and shrublands as well as more
 Eastern Redcedar   dense woodlands where eastern redcedar is a significant component.  Other important   35,173.7   86,916.0   0.194%   12   7
 Woodland and   woody species may include post oak, blackjack oak, hackberry species, gum bumelia,
 Shrubland   winged elm, and black hickory.

 This type is mapped essentially from the southern border to the northern border of
 Oklahoma, and across the east to west extent of the Crosstimbers and transition zone of
 central Oklahoma.  In the modern landscape, non-native and grazing-tolerant species
 dominant most areas.  Common species include Bermudagrass, field brome, western
 Crosstimbers:   (Cuman) ragweed, and tall fescue.  More lightly-grazed areas or hay meadows may   2,498,205.4   6,173,190.5   13.800%   556   27
 Pasture/Prairie   have species such as little bluestem, silver bluestem, switchgrass, big bluestem,
 sideoats grama, and yellow Indiangrass.  Woody species such as post oak, pecan,
 blackjack oak, winged elm, eastern redcedar, honeylocust, Osage orange, and common
 persimmon may be components.

 This type is mapped on typical woodland soils across a wide swath of central Oklahoma.
 Woodland quality and successional state varies within the type.  Common dominants
 Crosstimbers: Post   include post oak, blackjack oak, black hickory, black oak, winged elm, pecan, and
 Oak - Blackjack Oak   Shumard oak.  Eastern redcedar is a common component.  Understory species may   1,035,809.0   2,559,535.8   5.722%   265   36
 Forest and Woodland
 include coralberry, eastern redbud, rough dogwood, common persimmon, and gum

 This type is mapped on slopes >20% and composition is similar to Crosstimbers: Post
 Crosstimbers: Post   Oak – Blackjack Oak Forest, although these stands tend to have more canopy and more
 Oak - Blackjack Oak   often contain older trees.  Common components include post oak, blackjack oak, black   62,940.2   155,528.3   0.348%   15   1
 Slope Forest
 hickory, black oak, green ash, winged elm, redbud, and rough dogwood.

 This type is mapped on typical woodland soils across a wide swath of central Oklahoma.
 Crosstimbers: Post   Woodland quality and successional state varies within the type, but eastern redcedar is
 Oak - Eastern   among the dominants.  Other common species may include post oak, blackjack oak,   11,396.9   28,162.2   0.063%   1   0
 Redcedar Forest and   black hickory, black oak, winged elm, pecan, and Shumard oak.  Understory species
 Woodland   may include coralberry, eastern redbud, rough dogwood, Osage orange, and gum

 This type is mapped on slopes >20%, and is similar to the Crosstimbers: Post Oak -
 Crosstimbers: Post   Eastern Redcedar Forest type, although stands tend to have more canopy cover.
 Oak - Eastern   Eastern redcedar is an important component, together with species such as post oak,   1,495.8   3,696.2   0.008%   0   0
 Redcedar Slope   black hickory, blackjack oak, redbud, gum bumelia, green ash, winged elm, and rough

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