Page 240 - Interp Book
P. 240

                                                                                                                                                                                                     No.       Ground
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Original     truth
                                         Mapped Type Name                                        Brief Description                                    Area (HA)       Area (AC)       Percent      Samples    Samples
                                         High Plains: Riparian   This type is mapped along first and second order streams within narrow buffers, and is
                                         Mixed Hardwood -       represented by stands where eastern redcedar is among the most important species.         3,950.4          9,761.5      0.022%            4           0
                                         Eastern Redcedar       Other components may include winged elm, winged soapberry, hackberry species,
                                         Woodland               green ash, honeylocust, Siberian elm, American elm, and willow species.

                                                                This type is mapped in moist flats, often over soils derived from gypsum outcrops
                                         High Plains: Saline    upstream or upslope.  These areas were mainly barren at the time of data collection for   5,770.1        14,258.1       0.032%            2           0
                                                                this project.

                                                                This type is mapped on moist flats with soils often derived from gypsum upstream or
                                                                upslope.  Common shrubs in the modern landscape include saltcedar species, willow
                                         High Plains: Salt      baccharis, and mesquite (within range).  Herbaceous species similar to those described    1,644.5          4,063.6      0.009%            1           2
                                         Lake Shrubland
                                                                for the High Plains: Salty Grassland may be interspersed within this generally open

                                                                This type is mapped on moist flats with soils often derived from gypsum upstream or
                                         High Plains: Salt      upslope.  Water regimes and salinity often vary over short distances, and this type may   1,842.0          4,551.6      0.010%            3           1
                                         Marsh                  be quite patchy.  Common species include American bulrush, pale spikerush, and

                                                                This type is mapped on moist flats with soils often derived from gypsum upstream or
                                                                upslope.  Salinity and moisture regime often vary across short distances and the type is
                                         High Plains: Salty     often patchy.  Common herbaceous species include saltgrass, foxtail barely, alkali        4,850.1        11,984.9       0.027%            0           1
                                         Grassland              sacaton, annual rabbitsfoot grass, western ragweed, southern annual saltmarsh aster,
                                                                weeping lovegrass, and salt heliotrope.  Saltcedar species, mesquite (in range), and
                                                                willow baccharis may be present.

                                                                This type is mapped over aeolian or alluvial deep sands.  Common herbaceous species
                                                                in the modern landscape include little bluestem, sand bluestem, switchgrass, sand
                                         High Plains: Sand      dropseed, sand lovegrass, sandburs, western ragweed, field brome, cheatgrass,           351,966.6       869,727.0       1.944%           49         51
                                                                Bermudagrass, and giant sandreed.  Common shrubs include sand sagebrush,
                                                                Chickasaw plum, Havard shin oak (within range), and soapweed yucca.

                                                                 This type is mapped over aeolian and alluvial deep sands where Havard shin oak is the
                                                                prevailing dominant.  Taller Havard shin oak/post oak hybrids may be present, and in
                                         High Plains: Sandhill   some areas, blackjack oak may be present.  Sand sagebrush, fragrant sumac,              47,314.4       116,916.2       0.261%            8         45
                                         Shinnery Shrubland     soapweed yucca, Chickasaw plum, and netleaf hackberry are common components.
                                                                Little bluestem, sand dropseed, switchgrass, sand bluestem, and sandbur species are
                                                                common grasses.

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