Page 242 - Interp Book
P. 242

                                                                                                                                                                                                     No.       Ground
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Original     truth
                                         Mapped Type Name                                        Brief Description                                    Area (HA)       Area (AC)       Percent      Samples    Samples
                                                                This type is mapped over aeolian and alluvial deep sands where woody species other
                                                                than Havard shin oak are the prevailing dominants, although it may be present, within
                                         High Plains: Sandhill   range.  The type often occurs interspersed with grasslands.  Common species in the     137,255.1       339,164.3       0.758%           38         50
                                         Shrubland              modern landscape include sand sagebrush, fragrant sumac, Chickasaw plum, sand
                                                                bluestem, sand dropseed, cheatgrass, western ragweed, soapweed yucca, grama
                                                                species, Schweinitz flatsedge, yellow sundrops, and annual buckwheat.

                                                                This type is over or near sandy soils, but not mapped on deep sands.  Components of
                                         High Plains: Sandy     the High Plains: Sand Prairie such as sand sagebrush, soapweed yucca, Chickasaw          59,790.8       147,746.1       0.330%           15         23
                                                                plum, little bluestem, sand dropseed, sand lovegrass, sandburs, western ragweed, field
                                         Deciduous Shrubland
                                                                brome, cheatgrass, and Bermudagrass are common. However, components associated
                                                                with deep sands such as sand bluestem and giant sandreed are generally lacking.

                                                                This type is mapped over a broad range of generally medium-textured soils of the High
                                                                Plains, and grades into Central Mixedgrass types to the east.  Grazing-tolerant species
                                                                such as blue grama, buffalograss, sand dropseed, broom snakeweed, soapweed yucca,
                                         High Plains:           and Opuntia species are common in the modern landscape.  Mid grasses such as little     637,366.3      1,574,963.9      3.521%           95         63
                                         Shortgrass Prairie
                                                                bluestem, sideoats grama, and silver bluestem are often important.  Other common
                                                                herbaceous species may include plains blackfoot and Rocky Mountain zinnia.  Sand
                                                                sagebrush, white sagebrush, and soapweed yucca are common woody components.

                                                                This type is mapped over soils that are well-watered in bottoms in the High Plains.
                                                                Mowed hay meadows may be dominated by grasses such as big bluestem, yellow
                                         High Plains:           Indiangrass, switchgrass, western wheatgrass, and little bluestem.  In the modern         3,186.9          7,875.1      0.018%            3           0
                                         Tallgrass Prairie      landscape, this type may be grazed, and can be dominated by a variety of grazing-
                                                                tolerant grasses and forbs such as Bermudagrass, cheatgrass, brome species, grama
                                                                species, and buffalograss.

                                                                This type was open water during all seasons at the time of data acquisition for the
                                         Open Water                                                                                                     330,377.5       816,379.3       1.825%           10           5
                                                                current classification (circa 2012).

                                                                This type circumscribes a variety of mainly grazed grasslands, but some native hay
                                                                meadows are also represented.  In the modern landscape, non-native and grazing-
                                         Osage Plains:          tolerant species such as Bermudagrass, tall fescue, field brome, western (Cuman)
                                         Tallgrass              ragweed, prairie broomweed, and sericea lespedeza are common.  Some areas have          812,104.1      2,006,749.8      4.486%          189           7
                                         Prairie/Pasture        native tallgrass elements such as little bluestem, switchgrass, big bluestem, heath aster,
                                                                and Canada goldenrod.  Woody elements may include common persimmon, eastern
                                                                redcedar, sugar hackberry, elm species, and honeylocust.

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