Page 249 - Interp Book
P. 249

                                                                           No.      Ground
                                                                         Original     truth
 Mapped Type Name   Brief Description   Area (HA)   Area (AC)   Percent   Samples   Samples

 This type is mapped along first and second order streams within narrow buffers, and is
 Ozark-Ouachita:   represented by vegetation influenced by a variety of water regimes and human impacts.
 Riparian Mixed   Shortleaf or loblolly pine (mainly Ouachitas), or eastern redcedar (mainly Ozarks), is a   17,700.3   43,738.3   0.098%   3   1
 Evergreen -   major component.  Other species such as sycamore, river birch, sweetgum, maples,
 Hardwood Woodland
 oaks, and hazel alder may grow near steep banks or adjacent to stream bed cobble.

 This type includes mixed stands of shortleaf or loblolly pine and oaks, and includes more
 natural stands as well as areas that are more intensively managed for forest products.
 Ozark-Ouachita:   These areas had generally not been clear-cut in the period from 2000 to 2012.
 Shortleaf Pine - Oak   Important trees may include post oak, black or mockernut hickory, black oak, white oak,   277,833.9   686,541.5   1.535%   49   18
 northern or southern red oak, and blackjack oak.  Common understory species may
 include flowering dogwood, hophornbeam, winged elm, St. Johnswort, and farkleberry.

 This type consists mainly of loblolly pine plantations, although shortleaf pine is also
 Pine Plantation   planted.  These areas were mature enough to be dominated by pines at the time of   216,846.3   535,838.1   1.198%   24   15
 satellite data collection (circa 2012).

 Pine Plantation - 1 - 3   This type consists of young pine plantations that were not mature enough to be clearly   59,106.0   146,053.8   0.326%   4   14
 meters   dominated by pines at the time of data collection (circa 2012).

 Planted Non-native   Grasslands or pasture typically planted with native grasses such as sideoats grama or
 and/or Native   little bluestem. Non-native grasses such as yellow bluestem or weeping lovegrass may   507,456.2   1,253,949.6   2.803%   48   64
 Grasses   be dominant or present.

 This type is mapped on deep, aeolian or alluvial sands and is characterized by
 woodlands with fairly low tree diversity that contain blackjack oak among the dominants.
 Pleistocene Sands:   Post oak may be present in the eastern part of the range of the type, and Havard shin
 Blackjack Oak -   oak may occur as an undstory component within its range.  Eastern redcedar is often an   21,945.6   54,228.7   0.121%   5   34
 Eastern Redcedar   important component.  Other woody components may include gum bumelia, western
 soapberry, netleaf hackberry, American elm, black locust, and Siberian elm.  Common
 shrubs include skunkbush sumac, Chickasaw plum, and sand sagebrush.

 This type is mapped on deep, aeolian or alluvial sands and is characterized by
 woodlands with fairly low tree diversity that contain blackjack oak among the dominants.
 Pleistocene Sands:   Post oak may be present in the eastern part of the range of the type, and Havard shin
 Blackjack Oak   oak may occur as an understory component within its range.  Other woody components   36,731.0   90,764.2   0.203%   17   18
 Woodland   may include gum bumelia, western soapberry, netleaf hackberry, American elm, black
 locust, eastern redcedar, and Siberian elm. Common shrubs include skunkbush sumac,
 Chickasaw plum, and sand sagebrush.

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