Page 251 - Interp Book
P. 251

                                                                           No.      Ground
                                                                         Original     truth
 Mapped Type Name   Brief Description   Area (HA)   Area (AC)   Percent   Samples   Samples
 This type is mainly represented by grazed pastures dominated by non-native and
 grazing-tolerant species in the modern landscape.  Common components include
 Post Oak Savanna:   Bermudagrass, field brome, tall fescue, western (Cuman) ragweed, purpletop tridens,   119,156.2   294,441.0   0.658%   24   2
 Pasture/Grassland   and silver bluestem.  Woody components may include post oak, winged elm, Osage
 orange, pecan, honeylocust, water oak, and eastern redcedar.

 Post Oak Savanna:   This type is mapped over more or less deep sands and is characterized by generally
 Post Oak - Eastern   open woodlands where eastern redcedar is a significant component.  Common trees   74.6   184.2   0.000%   0   0
 Redcedar Sandyland   include post oak, blackjack oak, sugar hackberry, southern red oak, hickory species, and
 Woodland   water oak.  Shrubs may include winged elm, farkleberry, and flowering dogwood.

 This type is characterized by woodlands with eastern redcedar as a significant
 Post Oak Savanna:   component.  Common trees include post oak, blackjack oak, sugar hackberry, water
 Post Oak - Eastern   oak, southern red oak, and hickory species.  Shrubs may include winged elm,   830.6   2,052.3   0.005%   0   0
 Redcedar Woodland
 farkleberry, and flower dogwood.

 This type is mapped over more or less deep sands and common trees include post oak,
 Post Oak Savanna:   blackjack oak, water oak, southern red oak, and hickory species.  Open stands may
 Post Oak Sandyland   include herbaceous cover with species such as pinweed, Florida snake-cotton, southern   1,351.5   3,339.6   0.007%   0   0
 jointweed, and Alabama supplejack.

 This type is characterized by woodlands dominated by species such as post oak,
 Post Oak Savanna:   blackjack oak, water oak, hickory species, pecan, cedar elm, and sugar hackberry.    35,035.1   86,573.6   0.194%   4   0
 Post Oak Woodland   Shrubs may include gum bumelia, American beautyberry, possumhaw, flowering
 dogwood, and farkleberry.

 This type is mapped over more or less deep sands and in the modern landscape if most
 often characterized by grazed pasture with non-native and grazing-tolerant species such
 Post Oak Savanna:
 Sandyland Shrubland   as Bermudagrass, tall fescue, annual ragweed, and sandbur species.  Some areas with   2,888.4   7,137.4   0.016%   0   0
 deeper sands may contain species such as little bluestem, Florida snake-cotton,
 and Grassland
 pinweed, southern jointweed, and Alabama supplejack.  Vines such as eastern poison
 ivy and greenbriar species are common.

 This type represents pastures and woodland edges with sparse successional vegetation.
 Common woody species include winged elm, post oak, water oak, blackjack oak,
 Post Oak Savanna:   common persimmon, honey locust, Osage orange, black hickory, eastern redcedar, and
 Young Woodland   pecan.  Herbaceous areas generally have non-native and grazing tolerant species such   653.6   1,615.0   0.004%   0   0
 Regrowth   as Bermudagrass, field brome, tall fescue, purpletop tridens, and silver bluestem.  Vines
 such as eastern poison ivy and greenbriar are common.

 This type is mapped where evidence of quarries, with bare ground, was present, only in
 Quarry                         7,516.6        18,573.9       0.042%            2          1
 the eastern half of the state.

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