Page 268 - Interp Book
P. 268

                                                                                                                                                                                                     No.       Ground
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Original     truth
                                         Mapped Type Name                                        Brief Description                                    Area (HA)       Area (AC)       Percent      Samples    Samples
                                                                This uncommon type may occur in areas of relatively continuous or discontinuous soils,
                                         Wichita Mountains:     so may be more or less patchy in nature.  Eastern redcedar is the common dominant,
                                         Eastern Redcedar       and species such as post oak, blackjack oak, netleaf hackberry, gum bumelia, and little     292.5           722.8       0.002%            0           0
                                                                walnut may be components.
                                                                This type includes areas that were essentially barren with exposed igneous rocks in all
                                         Wichita Mountains:     seasons at the time of data acquisition (circa 2012).  Short grasses and annual forbs       532.8          1,316.6      0.003%            0           0
                                         Granite Outcrop
                                                                may be present.

                                         Wichita Mountains:     This type is mapped on slopes >20% and composition is similar to the Wichita
                                         Low Stature Oak        Mountains: Low Stature Oak Woodland and Shrubland.  Stands tend to be more closed         5,562.2        13,744.4       0.031%            4           3
                                         Slope Woodland and     with taller individual trees and fewer herbaceous-dominated openings.

                                                                This type often occurs in shallow soils or in cracks in igneous granite, rhyolite, or gabbro
                                         Wichita Mountains:     rocks.  The aspect can be patchy with very shallow soils or rocks exposed at the
                                         Low Stature Oak        surface.  Post oak is the most common dominant, and species such as blackjack oak,        5,741.6        14,187.7       0.032%            2           2
                                         Woodland and           netleaf hackberry, gum bumelia, and little walnut may be present.  Little bluestem, tall
                                         Shrubland              dropseed, and short grasses such as buffalograss, blue grama, and hairy grama may be
                                                                important in openings.

                                         Wichita Mountains:
                                         Oak - Eastern          This type represents eastern redcedar-dominated woodlands on slopes >20%.  Common           172.7           426.7       0.001%            0           2
                                                                species include netleaf hackberry, post oak, blackjack oak, netleaf hackberry, Shumard
                                         Redcedar Slope         oak, bur oak, chinkapin oak, American elm, and gum bumelia.
                                         Wichita Mountains:     This uncommon type contains eastern redcedar among the dominants, together with
                                         Oak - Eastern          species such as post oak, blackjack oak, chinkapin oak, gum bumelia, netleaf hackberry,     113.8           281.2       0.001%            0           0
                                         Redcedar Woodland      and little walnut.

                                                                This type is mapped on slopes >20% and composition is similar to the Wichita
                                         Wichita Mountains:     Mountains: Oak - Eastern Redcedar Woodland type.  Stands tend to be more closed           4,645.0        11,478.1       0.026%            4           2
                                         Oak Slope Woodland
                                                                with taller individual trees and fewer herbaceous-dominated openings.
                                                                This type most often occurs over relatively continuous soils with few openings, and is
                                                                represented in a variety of land positions.  Post oak is the most common dominant,
                                         Wichita Mountains:     followed by blackjack oak.  Western occurrences may have netleaf hackberry replacing      6,947.7        17,168.0       0.038%            3           3
                                         Oak Woodland           post oak as the dominant. Other species may include chinkapin oak, netleaf hackberry,
                                                                gum bumelia, and little walnut.  Species such as bur oak, American elm, pecan, and
                                                                sugar maple may occur in more mesic areas.
                                                                                                                                           Totals    18,103,050.4    44,733,542.7         100%        3,714       1,146

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