Page 263 - Interp Book
P. 263

                                                                           No.      Ground
                                                                         Original     truth
 Mapped Type Name   Brief Description   Area (HA)   Area (AC)   Percent   Samples   Samples
 West Gulf Coastal   This type is mapped on bottomland soils where loblolly pine is the prevailing dominant.
 Plain: Large River   These stands are commonly the result of past timber management, but these areas
 Bottomland   could not be identified as former clear-cuts based on satellite remote sensing data from   1,005.4   2,484.5   0.006%   0   0
 Evergreen Woodland   2000 to 2012.  Common associated trees include sweetgum, water oak, ash species,
 and Shrubland   and elm species.

 This type is mapped on bottomland soils across a variety of hydrologic regimes and
 West Gulf Coastal   various stages of disturbance.  Common overstory trees may include water oak, pecan,
 Plain: Large River   willow oak, sugar hackberry, post oak, sweetgum, green ash, blackgum, slippery elm,   72,711.3   179,673.3   0.402%   12   20
 Bottomland   American elm, sycamore, and black willow.  Shrubs such as common buttonbush and
 Hardwood Forest
 river birch may occur in well-watered areas.

 West Gulf Coastal   This type is mapped on bottomland soils across a variety of hydrologic regimes and may
 Plain: Large River   circumscribe a variety of herbaceous wetlands.  Common components include sedge   3,914.0   9,671.6   0.022%   0   0
 Bottomland   and rush species, spikerush species, cattails, smartweeds, and moist-soil grasses.
 Herbaceous Wetland

 West Gulf Coastal   This type is mapped on bottomland soils where loblolly pine is among the most important
 Plain: Large River   species.  These stands are commonly the result of past timber management, but these
 Bottomland Mixed   areas could not be identified as former clear-cuts based on satellite remote sensing data   17,947.4   44,348.8   0.099%   10   7
 Hardwood -   from 2000 to 2012.  Common associated trees include sweetgum, water oak, ash
 Evergreen Forest   species, and elm species.

 West Gulf Coastal   This type includes areas that are seasonally or temporarily flooded.  Common overstory
 Plain: Large River   species include willow oak, water oak, water hickory, American elm, slippery elm,
 Bottomland   sweetgum, and sugar hackberry.  In the wettest areas of southeast Oklahoma, species   26,498.4   65,479.0   0.146%   5   2
 Seasonally Flooded   such as baldcypress, overcup oak, river birch, common buttonbush, and planer tree may
 Hardwood Forest   occur in restricted areas.

 This type is mainly represented by grazed pastures with non-native and grazing-tolerant
 West Gulf Coastal   species in the modern landscape.  Common species may include Bermudagrass, prairie
 Plain: Northern   broomweed, field brome, western (Cuman) ragweed, and Johnsongrass.  Woody   14,339.6   35,433.8   0.079%   0   0
 Calcareous   species such as winged elm, sumac species, possumhaw, and sugar hackberry may be

 This type is mainly represented by grazed pastures with non-native and grazing-tolerant
 species in the modern landscape.  Common species may include Bermudagrass, little
 West Gulf Coastal   bluestem, prairie broomweed, prairie tea, tall fescue, field brome, and Johnsongrass.    163,443.4   403,876.7   0.903%   14   6
 Plain: Pasture
 Woody species may include winged elm, sugar hackberry, possumhaw, green ash, and
 eastern redcedar.

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