Page 60 - Interp Book
P. 60

Canyon: Gyp Grassland

               Area: 166,496 acres (67,379 ha)

               Description of Mapped Type: This type is mapped in broken landscapes associated with
               weathering of sedimentary rocks where patches or layers of gyp are common in the landscape.
               Small (10 sq m to 200 sq m), open, sparsely vegetated patches or layers of gyp on slopes are
               common. Short and mid-grasses such as sideoats grama, blue grama, hairy grama, little
               bluestem, cane bluestem, sand dropseed, and annual bromes are also common.  Forbs
               common in the modern landscape include broom snakeweed, common broomweed, stiff
               greenthread, Navajo tea, Indian breadroot, stemmy four-nerve daisy, sundrops species, and
               western ragweed.  Important shrubs may include skunkbush sumac, lotebush, mesquite (within
               range), and Mohr shin oak.  Succulents such as soapweed yucca, pricklypear, and Christmas
               cactus may be present.  Pinchot’s juniper, or less commonly, eastern redcedar may be present.

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