Page 64 - Interp Book
P. 64

Canyon: Juniper Shrubland
               Area: 55,497 acres (22,459 ha)

               Description of Mapped Type:  This type is mapped in broken landscapes associated with
               weathering of sedimentary rocks that do not contain much gyp.  Eastern redcedar is the most
               common dominant, but Pinchot’s juniper may also be dominant.  Other important woody species
               may include skunkbush sumac, fragrant sumac, Mohr shin oak, Chickasaw plum, lotebush,
               Siberian elm, sugar hackberry, and mesquite (within range).  Eastern redcedar and sandage
               may also be components.  Short and mid-grasses such as sideoats grama, hairy grama, tobosa,
               sand dropseed, little bluestem, silver bluestem, and cheatgrass occur in the modern landscape.
               Grazing-tolerant forbs such as stiff greenthread, broom snakeweed, and prairie broomweed are

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