Page 66 - Interp Book
P. 66

Central Mixedgrass: Prairie/Pasture

               Area: 5,343,649  acres (2,162,501 ha)
               Description of Mapped Type:  This type circumscribes a variety of grasslands in different
               conditions across broad gradients in both moisture and temperature.  In the modern landscape,
               non-native and grazing-tolerant species such as field brome, Bermudagrass, prairie
               broomweed, cheatgrass, three-awn species, hairy grama, other grama species, buffalograss,
               and western ragweed are common.  Species such as little bluestem, silver bluestem, and
               sideoats grama may be more important in less heavily grazed areas, especially to the east
               within this type.  Woody components may include mesquite (south), eastern redcedar, Osage
               orange, and honeylocust.

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