Page 70 - Interp Book
P. 70

Crosstimbers: Pasture/Prairie

               Area: 6,173,191 acres (2,498,205 ha)
               Description of Mapped Type:  This type is mapped essentially from the southern border to the
               northern border of Oklahoma, and across the east to west extent of the Crosstimbers and
               transition zone to central Oklahoma.  In the modern landscape, non-native and grazing-tolerant
               species dominate most areas.  Common species include Bermudagrass, field brome, western
               (Cuman) ragweed, and tall fescue.  More lightly-grazed areas or hay meadows may have
               species such as little bluestem, silver bluestem, switchgrass, big bluestem, sideoats grama, and
               yellow Indiangrass.  Woody species such as post oak, pecan, blackjack oak, winged elm,
               eastern redcedar, honeylocust, Osage orange, and common persimmon may be components.

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