Page 67 - Interp Book
P. 67

Central Mixedgrass: Sandy Prairie/Pasture

               Area: 349,321 acres (141,365 ha)
               Description of Mapped Type:  In the modern landscape, this type is mainly represented by
               grazed pastures with species such as cheatgrass, western ragweed, sand dropseed, field
               brome, King Ranch bluestem, and Bermudagrass common.  Areas with less grazing pressure
               have species such as little bluestem, sideoats grama, silver bluestem, blue grama, and big
               bluestem.  Other common species include snake broomweed, prairie broom weed, white
               sagebrush, and soapweed yucca.  Eastern redcedar, honey mesquite (within range), sand
               sagebrush, and Chickasaw plum may be present.

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