Page 243 - The Freshwater Mussels of Oklahoma
P. 243


                          The following lists of species from major rivers in Oklahoma are based upon
                   records for which there are voucher specimens found in various collections.
                   Misidentifications and nomenclatural confusions occur in most of the literature records
                   and are therefore not accepted as valid records in most cases.  However, in some cases,
                   literature records are included as additions to the table or as footnotes.  These lists are not
                   considered exhaustive and provide a base from which future additions can be made and
                   voucher specimens deposited in an institutional collection.  Species are listed in
                   alphabetical order as they are in the text.  Also, if a species is represented only by relict,
                   subfossil or badly weathered shells, those are so indicated with an asterisk (*).

                   Arkansas River
                          The Arkansas River is one of the two main stem rivers of the Mississippi River
                   system that occur within the borders of Oklahoma.  It enters the state from the north from
                   Kansas in Kay County and meanders south and eastward to exit the state at about the
                   midpoint of the border with Arkansas.  It then continues through Arkansas to join the
                   Mississippi somewhat south of Memphis.

                          Current List
                          Lasmigona complanata
                          Leptodea fragilis
                          Potamilus ohiensis
                          Pyganodon grandis
                          Quadrula quadrula
                          Corbicula fluminea
                          Dreissena polymorpha

                          Note:  Isely (1925) listed Leptodea fragilis, Potamilus ohiensis, Potamilus
                   purpuratus, Quadrula pustulosa and Truncilla donaciformis.  All of the species in the
                   above lists are relatively mobile species and seem to tolerate shifting substrates rather
                   well.  Those species that seem to require relatively stable substrates seem to be absent,
                   both before and after much alteration of the river occurred in the 20  century.

                   Chickaskia River
                          The Chickaskia River starts in the northeastern part of Grant County and passes
                   through Kay County to join the Salt Fork of the Arkansas River before it in turn joins the
                   main stem of the Arkansas River.  Isely (1925) did an extensive survey of the Chickaskia
                   River in the years 1908 through 1912.

                          Current List                        Isely (1925)
                          Amblema plicata                     Amblema plicata
                          Fusconaia flava                     Fusconaia flava
                                                              Lampsilis teres
                                                              Lasmigona complanata

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