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Fishing Reports

We know that fishing in Oklahoma can be good nearly all year round, but the peak time for most species and anglers is March to June, which is when we require reports to be submitted. 

If there is a particular lake you would like to know about during the non-required report time, you can contact the county game warden or a local bait shop to check on the lake conditions before heading out.

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Thunderbird Report

Mar 26. Elevation is Normal (stable), water temperature 57°F and stained. (USACE Lake Level)

Catfish, Channel Fair on punch bait, shrimp around points.

Crappie, White Fair on hair jigs, jigs around brush structure, docks.

Bass, White Fair on in-line spinnerbaits, small lures around channels, creek channels, points.

Report submitted by Zach Hanson (Game Warden Cleveland County)

Arbuckle Report

Mar 25. Elevation is Normal (stable), water temperature 54°F and clear. (USACE Lake Level)

Bass, Largemouth, Bass, Smallmouth Good on Alabama rig, plastic baits around channels, points.

Catfish, Channel Good on cut bait, punch bait, stinkbait around brush structure, channels, creek channels.

Bass, White Fair on minnows, tube jigs around creek channels, sandbar, shorelines.

Report submitted by casey young

Blue River PFHA Report

Mar 25. Elevation is Normal (stable), water temperature 63°F and clear. (USGS Lake Level)

Trout, Rainbow Good on caddis flies, in-line spinnerbaits, midges, nymphs, PowerBait, small lures, spoons, worms around brush structure, channels, creek channels, rocks.

Report submitted by Ethan Lovelace

Overholser Report

Mar 25. Elevation is Normal (stable), water temperature 54°F and stained. (USGS Lake Level)

Catfish, Blue, Catfish, Channel Fair on punch bait, shad, worms around points, shorelines.

Crappie, White Fair on jigs, minnows around dam, docks.

Bass, Striped Hybrid Fair on flukes, jigs, sassy shad around shorelines.

Report submitted by Mark Murray (Game Warden Canadian County)

Canton Report

Mar 25. Elevation is Normal (stable), water temperature 55°F and stained. (USACE Lake Level)

Bass, White Slow on jigs, lipless baits around river mouth.

Catfish, Channel Slow on stinkbait around flats.

Crappie, White Slow on jigs around brush structure.

Report submitted by Jaylen Flynn (Game Warden Blaine County)

Broken Bow Lake Report

Mar 25. Elevation is Normal (falling), water temperature 55°F and clear. (USACE Lake Level)

Bass, Largemouth, Bass, Smallmouth, Bass, Spotted Good on Alabama rig, bill baits, buzz baits, crankbaits, flukes, in-line spinnerbaits, plastic baits, rogues, spinnerbaits around brush structure, creek channels, main lake, points, river channel, river mouth, standing timber.

Bass, White Fair on grubs, in-line spinnerbaits around channels, coves, creek channels, river mouth.

Report submitted by Dru Polk (Game Warden McCurtain County)

Tom Steed Reservoir Report

Mar 25. Elevation is 6 ft. below normal (falling), water temperature 55°F and murky. (USACE Lake Level)

Bass, White Good on crankbaits, jigs, minnows around creek channels, points.

Saugeye Fair on minnows around points, rocks.

Report submitted by David Smith (Game Warden Kiowa County)

Wes Watkins Reservoir Report

Mar 25. Elevation is 1 ft. below normal (stable), water temperature 55°F and clear. (USGS Lake Level)

Bass, Largemouth Fair on crankbaits, jigs around brush structure, points.

Crappie, White Fair on jigs, minnows around brush structure.

Bass, White Fair on jigs around dam, riprap.

Report submitted by Michael France (Game Warden Pottawatomie County)

Arcadia Report

Mar 24. Elevation is Normal (stable), water temperature 54°F and stained. (USACE Lake Level)

Bass, Largemouth Fair on buzz baits around coves, points.

Catfish, Channel, Catfish, Flathead Fair on cut bait, dough bait, shad around main lake, points.

Crappie, White Slow on hair jigs, minnows, tube jigs around brush structure, coves, docks.

Report submitted by Dalton Buley (Game Warden Oklahoma County)

Lake Carl Blackwell Report

Mar 24. Elevation is 4.5 ft. below normal (stable), water temperature 60°F and clear.

Crappie, Black, Crappie, White Good on hair jigs, jigs, minnows around brush structure, docks.

Catfish, Blue, Catfish, Channel Good on cut bait, hot dogs around channels, flats.

Saugeye Good on plastic baits, small lures around dam, riprap.

Report submitted by Josey Branch (Game Warden Payne County)

Fort Gibson Report

Mar 24. Elevation is 3 ft. above normal (stable), water temperature 53°F and stained. (USACE Lake Level)

Bass, Largemouth, Bass, Smallmouth, Bass, Spotted Fair on bill baits, crankbaits, jerk baits, lipless baits, tube jigs around brush structure, shorelines.

Bass, White Good on bill baits, hair jigs, minnows, sassy shad, tube jigs around below the dam, channels, creek channels, dam, river mouth.

Crappie, Black, Crappie, White Fair on hair jigs, minnows, sassy shad, tube jigs around channels, docks, main lake.

Report submitted by Marvin Stanley (Game Warden Wagoner County)

Greenleaf Report

Mar 24. Elevation is Normal (stable), water temperature 53°F and clear.

Bass, Largemouth Fair on crankbaits, lipless baits, plastic baits, spinnerbaits, worms around brush structure, creek channels, docks, points, rocks.

Crappie, White Fair on jigs, minnows around brush structure, docks, shallows.

Report submitted by Dylan Langford (Game Warden Muskogee County)

Sooner Lake Report

Mar 24. Elevation is Normal (stable), water temperature 52°F and stained.

Catfish, Blue Good on cut bait, punch bait, sunfish around coves, discharge, main lake.

Bass, Striped Hybrid, Bass, White Slow on crankbaits, jigs, live shad around discharge, main lake.

Saugeye Slow on crankbaits, jigs around points, riprap.

Report submitted by Stephen Paul (Game Warden Noble County)

Webbers Falls Report

Mar 24. Elevation is Normal (stable), water temperature 53°F and stained. (USACE Lake Level)

Catfish, Blue, Catfish, Flathead Fair on cut bait, jigs, shad around below the dam, flats, river channel, river mouth.

Bass, White Good on in-line spinnerbaits, jigs, sassy shad, slabs, small lures around below the dam, creek channels, river channel, tailwater.

Paddlefish Good on snagging around below the dam, river channel, river mouth.

Report submitted by Dylan Langford (Game Warden Muskogee County)

Fort Supply Report

Mar 24. Elevation is Normal (stable), water temperature 50°F and murky. (USACE Lake Level)

Walleye Slow on plastic baits, sassy shad around rocks.

Bass, White Slow on in-line spinnerbaits around dam.

Report submitted by Jason Badley (Game Warden Harper County)

Kaw Lake Report

Mar 24. Elevation is 1 ft. above normal (stable), water temperature 55°F and stained. (USACE Lake Level)

Paddlefish Excellent on snagging around below the dam, river channel.

Bass, Striped Hybrid, Bass, White Good on hair jigs, in-line spinnerbaits, jigs, lipless baits, minnows, sassy shad, small lures around creek channels, river channel.

Crappie, Black, Crappie, White Good on hair jigs, jigs, minnows, tube jigs around brush structure, riprap, rocks.

Report submitted by Spencer Grace (Game Warden Kay County)

Keystone Lake Report

Mar 24. Elevation is 1 ft. above normal (stable), water temperature 58°F and murky. (USACE Lake Level)

Bass, Largemouth Good on plastic baits around brush structure.

Crappie, Black, Crappie, White Good on minnows around brush structure, docks, main lake.

Catfish, Blue, Catfish, Channel Good on live bait, live shad around main lake.

Report submitted by Tracer Wagner (Game Warden Creek County)

Altus-Lugert Reservoir Report

Mar 24. Elevation is 10 ft. below normal (rising), water temperature 54°F and stained. (USACE Lake Level)

Comments: No fish being caught

Report submitted by Brandon Lehrman (Game Warden Greer County)

Grand Lake Report

Mar 23. Elevation is Normal (stable), water temperature 58°F and stained. (USACE Lake Level)

Bass, White Good on hair jigs, jigs, plastic baits, spinnerbaits around below the dam, points, river mouth, sandbar, shallows.

Crappie, Black, Crappie, White Fair on hair jigs, jigs, spoons around brush structure.

Catfish, Blue, Catfish, Channel Fair on chicken liver, cut bait, live shad, shad around main lake, river channel, rocks.

Report submitted by C.Newkirk (Game Warden Delaware County)

Hefner Report

Mar 23. Elevation is Normal (stable), water temperature 50°F and stained. (USGS Lake Level)

Bass, Largemouth Slow on buzz baits, crankbaits, spinnerbaits around brush structure, shorelines.

Bass, White Slow on live shad, plastic baits, spinnerbaits around riprap.

Crappie, Black, Crappie, White Fair on minnows, PowerBait, tube jigs around docks, spillway.

Report submitted by Tim Campbell (Game Warden Oklahoma County)